Eye Patch

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Kokoa looked horrified. "D-Did you just say Sachiko!?" She yelled at me. "Yeah, so?" She threw her hands up. "Sachiko is the girl who tried to stab you!" She yelled again. My eyes went wide. My heart beat fast.
"No, no, no, no, NO, NO!" I screamed and bolted up. I started to run away as fast as I could. "Hey wait!" Was all o heard before I burst through a door and sat down crying. "That's not true! Sachiko was nice!" I brushed the tears off my face and put my head on my hands.
"Sach...iko?" I looked to see a girl peeking out of a curtain. She had black hair and red eyes. And perfect blood red lips.
"Do you mean Mayu?" She asked and stepped out of the curtain. I kept staring. "I'm Ivory." I gasped. "Ivory! Its me! You remember me right? I'm Lana!" She looked up and smiled. But there was something off about the smile...it wasn't...human. I looked at her hand and she was holding a small pair of scissors.
"Well let me be like my sister!" She ran towards me and jumped on top of me. She grabbed my hair and cut it so it was to my shoulders like hers. Then she stabbed me in the eye. Even before the scissors hit my eye I screamed and just kept smiling.
"C'mon smile!" She yelled, I screamed some more. "Fill my heart with sunshine!" She smiled and pulled the knife out of my eye. My vision filled with blood and I couldn't breathe. And then I realized what Ivory was. Sach iko had killed her and she somehow got spirited here.
"You-You're a ghost!" I said through my gasping for breath. She stared at me then ran out of the room. I realized we were in a nurses office so I started to crawl over to a cabinet. I reached into a drawer and pulled out a small box with eye patches. I got so.e towels and held it to my eye until it stopped bleeding as much. Then I put on the eye patch. I had a serious face and didn't smile. I will survive. I walked out of the room and realized I looked different. I looked around and started to walk.
"Hey Lana!" I turned around to see Satoshi and Yuka. I held my hands to my head and made guns. "BOOM!" I yelled and fell face first to the floor.

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