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As I bursted into the room I saw yuka on Shinozaki's back with blood pouring out of her eye. And then keep saw yoshiki fall to the ground with his guts coming out and a hole in the back of his head. Me and ayumi both screamed as satoshi and kokoa ran in.

"Shinozaki, what is it?!" satoshi yelled and then saw yoshiki.

"Oh, yoshiki.." We looked up and saw the man with the hammer and took of running.

"We should get outta here!" satoshi yelled as we ran out of the building.

We came to stop at the small flight of steps outside. I leaned up against the railing and looked out at the trees, it was pouring rain.

"Yuka...." satoshi whispered hugging yuka close to his chest. Ayumi was whipping tears from her eyes and kokoa has sitting across from satoshi and yuka.

"Big brother....let's go home....Together." yuka whispered and then her eyes closed and she moved no more.


Satoshi yelled hugging yuka and crying. K lokoa hugged him as he began to cry. I clenched my teeth.

"You know what, ayumi, this is all your fault, if you haven't wanted to do this charm so badly none of us would be here at all!!!" I yelled at her. Her eyes filled with tears  and I felt bad but didn't say anything. I turned and shot a glance at kokoa telling her to leave it be and I begain to walk away. I begain to burst into tears as I walked down the hallways, I just wanted to go home, I missed my family and everyone. I hated it here and I turned the corner realizing I was back over by where mayu died. I walked into the room and played on the bed and before I could stop myself i was fast asleep.

blood spillWhere stories live. Discover now