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"I have to go fing some people." I announced standing up. "Can I come?" Ivory asked standing up and following me. I shrugged and kept walking.
"Anyway, you met my sister Mayu right?" She asked me as we walked inside. "Oh yeah. She changed her name to Sachiko when she went crazy and stabbed you. But yeah. I knew you guys were my cousins of course." She looked up.
"Oh." I looked up as well and saw a brunette boy talking to a blondish-brunette girl. I walked up behind Kokoa. "Why does everybody like this guy?" I asked Kokoa jumped at the sudden command and fell onto Satoshi making them both fall on the floor laughing.
"Have you come to kill? I beg of you Sempai! Take him instead!" She yelled and shoved Satoshi onto the floor next to her then stood up. "I ain't gonna kill nobody." I said helping Kokoa up. She smiled and helped Satoshi up.
"Well I need to find some people so bye!" I called as me and Ivory began yo walk away. "Wait! Let us come!" Kokoa yelled grabbing Satoshis hand and running after us.
"Alright. So who are we trying to find?" Ivory asked as she looked at me. "Everyone except for Mayu, Seiko, and Shige." Komoa smirked. "Oooooooo! Someone has a thing for Shiiiiige!" She teased. I pointed at her hand. "Well at least I don't hold hands with my crush." I snapped. Kokoas face went red and so did Satoshi's. But Kokoa still didn't let go of his hand.
"What?" Ivory asked obviously confused about the situation. I smirked and walked ahead. I walked up the stair and into a small room with Ivory. We walked in and before I realized it the for slammed and it locked behind us. "Kokoa! Satoshi are you out there!" I yelled I heard footsteps then Kokoa answered.
"Yeah I'm here! But Satoshi went to get something to open the door with 'cause he's nice....and cute." She gushed. I sighed. "I don't see why you like this guy." I sighed. I heard her feet shift. "Did they steal your eyeballs?!" She asked in a fake 'I'm so worried about you' voice. I rolled my eyes and sat on one of the desks.
"Hey wrong? You look sad." I said to her. She sighed. "Even if you find out how to get out of here I'm sad cuz you'll leave and I can't come." She said. I could tell she hated this topic. It just made her more sad. I thought about it for a moment. "I have an idea! But it would involve killing someone and that's hard to do."
"Killing someone. My sister taught me all I need to know." She smiled. I smiled back and told her the plan. "Okay so since this has very little chance of happening and so does my plan we'll need to find someone who's still alive and kill them. After that we would need to take the body with us. And when we are, or if we are going back home, collide with the dead body and it should take the form of you. You can be alive again. I hope this works." I looked at the door and heard Satoshi trying to open it. "Of course it will work. Of course." She whispered.
The door flung open and Satoshi and Kokoa burst in. Kokoa was beaming so brightly I thought she might pop. "You're amazing!" She exclaimed and kissed him. They kissed for like ten seconds and then she ran over to us.
"What's the plan?" She asked. "We get to kill."

We walked down the hallways trying to find someone alive. Then we see a blonde girl wearing a cute little black dress. She was crying and holding a knife to her throat. "You can't do this yourself, let me help." I whispered. Taking the knife. "Nope! Not watching! Its like that scene from the walking dead!" Kokoa screeched. "What scene?" Satoshi asked covering his eyes. "Oh you know, all of them." She laughed slightly as I stabbed the girl in the chest.

blood spillOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant