Sometimes You Need A Good Dream

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Straight out of the mind of Aiakah

Satoshi and Kokoa ran after me. I just kept running until I couldn't hear them anymore. I spun around to see Kokoa passed out on the floor, her face as white as snow.
She looked so weak and fragile. I dropped the corpse and ran over. Satoshi was leaned over her trying to figure out what was wrong.
"She's dehidrated and starving." A voice practically whispered. I spun around to see one of the spirits, I think her name was Yuki. Standing there. She smiled weakly before saying "I can help."
She motioned for us Ro follow her then started to 'walk' to the infirmary. I turned towards Ivory before we left. "Keep it safe." I said pointing at the corpse. She nodded and I started to walk away again.
We reached the infirmary and it was different. It wasn't terrifying anymore. It was actually kind of normal. "Here." Yuki said handing Satoshi a bottle of water for Kokoa. He poured some in her mouth and prayed for her to swallow. Swallow, swallow please please swallow. Then she swallowed she coughed and then her eyes opened.
"What happened you look like you've seen a ghost." She laughed. How could she laughed after she almost died?
"I had the worst dream. But I won't bother you with the details." She giggled this time then she yawned and fell asleep.

Kokoa POV

I stood in a black room there was nothing there but a mirror. It was sitting right in front of me. I was a child again. Iknew because both of my eyes were blue. I sat there staring at my eye. Its been a really long time. I just sat staring. Until I saw something behind me. Or more like some - one behind me. I knew her, I just couldn't place her. Then it hit me. My mother. The one person that even if I tried. I could never see her again. My mother, the one who died in the car crash that stole my eye.

"Koko? Is that you?" Her voice shook as she spoke.

"Mom?" I asked as tears started to fall out of my eyes

"Monster! You stay away from us!" She was yelling at me. A girl ran over to her. She looked just like me. I turned back to the mirror but it was shattered.

"Mom! What do you mean monster!?" I cried as I ran towards her. The little girl smiled evily at me and Fashed a mirror at me. I saw my reflection. And for the first time in two months, I was terrified.

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