Lost Souls

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Kokoa POV

I walked with Satoshi, Naomi, and Ayumi. Two girls who had crushes on my boyfriend thing...I wouldn't consider us dating, but maybe he does...

"You okay Kokoa?" Satoshi asked. I guess I was staring. "Yeah! just lost in thought...or something." I smiled awkwardly. He shrugged and kept walking.

We came to a dead end. The only way to go, was through a dark room. "Shall we?" Ayumi asked tilting her head. I nodded and opened the door. Then imediently slammed it shut. Sayaka...

"What's wrong Kokoa?" Naomi asked as Ayumi opened the door. Laying cold and lifeless on the ground was a member from my group... Sayaka Ooue's lifeless corpse.

"Did you know her?" Satoshi asked glancing at the body. I nodded slowly. "She was the only one from my group who was actually nice to me."

"Hey I gotta question!" Ayumi bounced. I looked at her. "Why is she wearing a uniform and you arent?"

"Before we did the charm we were all talking. There was this huge pitcher full of 'holy water' as Naho called it, on the desk above where I was sitting. Sayaka stood up and swung her arm making the pitcher fall on me. It soaked me to the bone. Luckily Sayaka had extra clothes in her bag and let me borrow them." I explained. Ayumi nodded and led us into the room. many people from my group were dead on the ground, even a few younger girls who weren't in the group. We walked out the door and saw Lana siting on the ground crying into her hands.

"Lanaaaaaa!" I smiled running over to her. "You okay?" I asked as she lifted her head. "Yeah, I'm fine." She smiled back and stood up. Smiling all the way.

"I'm not crazy kokoa..."

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