1 - And so it begins...

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🎶Blitzkrieg Bop ~ Ramones🎶

Hawkins wasn't always the busy, bustling city it is now. When people started moving in, and builings got taller, it now compares to New York.

Steve has been Spiderman for a while now. Since early highschool, he's been a role in making sure no threats destroy his hometown.

His parents were never home, so his identity to them wasn't a problem.

But, it was inevitable he would need some help, and his secret was revealed to his two best friends.

Dustin knew after Steve confessed one night he really needed help. He couldn't take being beat up and on the watch 24/7. He knew Dustin was his best choice. Eventually he became the research and info guy. The man in the chair. He always keeps up on the things going on in the city. He knows every little detail, finding what goes on deeper.

Robin figured it out herself. "You're Spiderman." She casually said, surprising him. But in the end, it was one of the best choices she could've made. Robin helps, she runs errands and makes sure Steve gets what he needs. Questioning all probabilities, plans, and ideas the others have. Middle man to decide how to act. She works with Steve at their job too.

Robin, Steve, Crissy, and Eddie all worked together to be exact. At a small grocery store in the outskirts of town.

Eddie was great friends with Dustin too. They played Dungeons and Dragons, went to high school together, and considered eachother brothers.


Sneakily, Dustin asked Eddie about his opinion on Spidey. Just a way to get information and opinions from the most oblivious person alive.

"He's doing better than the pigs" Eddie states, catching Steve's attention.

'Somebody actually thinks I'm the good guy?' Steve thinks. He was so used to people thinking badly of him. Either it was fans, admirers, or paparazzi and news cast with the intent to put his self esteem back to hell.

No wonder he doesn't watch the news anymore.


Dustin had been suspicious about Brenner Industries from the beginning.

"How are we supposed to get on this guy?" Steve questioned, curious about the possible secrets of Dr. Brenner.

"And how do you even know he's bad?" Robin pitches in.

"Just trust me ok!" Dustin replies "And they're always hiring lab techs."

"Should we be worried that they're 'always hiring'?" Robin asks Dustin seriously.

"He's probably fine, right?" Steve questions not only them, but himself too. He really isn't in the mood to get into another bad fight. He's already got enough on his plate.

But Brenner's name was familiar, on the tip of his tongue. But of course, he couldn't remember. He was too tired.

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