9 - Someone's looking for Venom...

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TW - This chapter has descriptions of vomiting and gagging from Venom eating a human. The whole part that will include it will be in italics and bolded.


🎶Rolling in the Deep ~ Adele🎶

Doing daily rounds checking on every part of Hawkins was Steve's least favorite part about being the city's iconic hero. That and being beat up, all his loved ones being in danger, everyone else being in danger, having to hide his true identity, losing sleep... The list goes on and on. Steve really hates being Spider-Man sometimes.

He swings from building to building. Trying so hard not to fall asleep as he was practically throwing himself through the air.

In an alley a few blocks away a woman was being robbed. Mugged in an alley, held at gunpoint for her purse.

Steve heard her scream from those few blocks away and got there as fast as he possibly could. There were a few times where his Spidey-Senses really came in handy. The name just stuck after Robin started calling them that. Steve just called them sensory issues. They really were a pain in the ass in his daily life.

He ran in to see the woman in shock with her purse on the ground. He ran to grab it and handed it to her.

"I heard you scream, what's going on?" He asked in concern. She pointed to the side of the building next to them. He saw just a glimpse of that black, sentient, thing. Venom, as they decided to call it. That's all they've seen at least. Just a moving black goo.

"Are you alright ma'am?" He asked, not wanting to leave her if she was hurt.

"I'll be fine. Thank you, Spider-Man." She smiled.

Steve smiled at this. Not often does he get validation and gratitude for risking his life. "Just doing my job, now get home safe." He said, trying to be that friendly neighborhood Spider-Man persona he needed to put on.

"Thank you again!" She announced as she turned the corner, leaving the alley.


Venom had pulled that robbing bastard up to the top of the building. He needed to eat, and what better way then criminals?

Venom licked his lips. Eddie encased inside tried not to gag. Sure Venom has consumed... more than a few people before, but every single time was it horrible.
'Yup, got that so far.'

Venom finished eating the man, and climbed back away. Taking him back to the side of Eddie's apartment building. He went back to his human form and vomited all over the ground before walking into the building like nothing happened.

'Like you have room to talk.' Eddie snarked back to the creature in his mind. He walked up to his apartment. Eddie never uses the elevator anymore because he doesn't like the feeling he might hurt someone. The stairwells were usually empty.

He eventually made it to his kitchen and grabbed a beer. He wanted to relax after all he's been going through recently. He sat down on the couch and sighed as he popped open his bottle with his keys.
'Shut up.'


As soon as the woman was out of sight, Steve used his webs to pull himself up to the roof. Venom was no where to be seen. He patrolled around the place for a while to see if he could see any clue to where it could've gone. But alas, it was no where to be seen. That wasn't a good sign. No one knows how often it eats people, except the creature itself, and its unknown host.


Unlucky for all 3 of them. There were security cameras all around the city. And one man was watching them all. He's looking for Venom.

You Seem Indestructible, my Person is Definetly Not.Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon