16 - That sellout...

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I'm trying to make the chapters longer. I understand the earlier ones are quite short.


So when you're near me, darling
Can't you here me, S.O.S.?
The love you gave me
Nothing else can save me, S.O.S.

The next day was uneventful. Unless you call absolutely nothing happening on Steve's patrol eventful. Corroded Coffin even had a gig last night, and Steve wanted to go so badly, but he couldn't. Patrol. Of course. It's always patrol. He just wanted to see his favorite boy with his passion.

He woke up in the morning on 2 hours of sleep. Patrol was exhausting. He always told himself that he had to. He had to keep everyone in Hawkins safe. Especially with what had been happening recently.

'Even if I'm tired, the only word I know is protect.' Steve always said to himself.

Steve was fixing up his suit when Dustin radioed him and told him he had almost connected all of the dots. Literally. He was drawing dots on a map and connecting them to figure out what was really going on.

"Steve, I really need you to let me come over and set this up to show you." Dustin begs.

"Alright..." He sighs and hears the walkie cut out. He sits up and gets dressed, clothes over his newly repaired suit, like usual. Right after he finished getting dressed, the front door unlocks and opens. Dustin, El, Lucas, and Max walk in.

"How the hell did you get that door open?" Steve complains.

Dustin shrugs. "I have a key." He says and sets his stuff down to start setting up.

"Dustin. I never gave you a key." Steve stares at him with concern.

Dustin doesn't even look up. He just sets his map and starts working on it again. "I stole Robin's spare and made a copy." He says nonchalantly.

Steve sighs and decides to call Robin on his walkie. "You there Rob?" He asks.

"What's up, Dingus? I'm with Chrissy right now at the store. Hanging out with her on her shift." Robin replies.

"Busy?" He wanted to make sure. She was occupied with a few other things, making it so he wasn't able to tell her about the other day. The day he can't keep out of that head of his.

"Not busy, I can talk. Chrissy can hear though." She replies. "Not like she doesn't know what going on already."

Steve and Robin decided to fill Chrissy on what was really going on in Hawkins a few days after all the kids found out. They would've told Eddie too, if he was there. They never really had the time to. Robin promised not to tell Eddie without Steve there, and Eddie has been avoiding Steve. All for good reasons. Well, what he thinks are good reasons.

"I have to tell you something that's been stuck in my mind the last few days. It's about Eddie." He states.

"Oh, do tell." He hears Chrissy say from a little bit away.

"So I saw him sitting on the edge of the bridge, right? My first thought maybe he was going to jump. Luckily, I was on patrol, so I went swung over and made sure he was ok. He said he didn't want the person he liked to get hurt. Because apparently, he's dangerous to be around. When I said if I were them, I wouldn't mind." He runs on.

"Get to the point, Dingus." Robin says, getting impatient.

"I am. Just listen, ok?" He sighs in response. "He described how he found that once found that person half naked, and bleeding out in an alleyway. He said he LIKED me, Robin, but he thinks I'd get hurt?!" Steve sounds confused as he finished.

Chrissy and Robin look at each other. Not much in shock about the feeling, they both could tell, but as in how he found out.

Robin finally breaks the few seconds of silence. "He's worried, Dingus."

"He hasn't even let me have trash duty since my accident." Chrissy adds. "He's very worried about everyone's safety now."

Steve walks closer to Dustin and the others studying and adding to the map. Dustin and the others start to listen in on the conversation between the others.

"Plus, it doesn't help that there's a goo monster loose. Well, I guess I should call him Venom now." Robin states. "Cause like, we gave him a name.

"About that... Those might be related." Dustin buts in.

Steve looks at him and tilts his head in confusion.

El looks at Steve and smiles. "The monster came from the main lab. I can feel it sometimes, when it is in pain."

Steve's eyes look at her in shock. "Could you find it? At least, do you think you could find it?" He asks a bit skeptical.

All of their heads turn to the walkie as they hear Chrissy start to talk. "Welcome to-"

"Hello, Eddie's friends?" Robin interrupts as she recognizes the 2 boys. Nolan and Gareth.

"Have you seen Eddie? Nolan asks.

"No, haven't seen him recently, why?" Chrissy asks, tilting her head with confused concern.

"He totally flaked on us after our gig last night." Nolan sighs.

"Probably went off with those corporate guys, that sellout." Gareth scoffs.

Robin and Chrissy look at each other with wide eyes. "Were they wearing sunglasses indoors?" Chrissy asks the both of them, concern clearly in her voice.

Nolan nods. "Yeah, how'd you know?" he questions.

"Those guys weren't from a record label." Robin starts to panic.

"What do you mean they aren't from a record label? Who were they?" Gareth asks with caution clear in his voice.

"Robin, what's going on?" Steve asks.

"Those guys looking for Eddie to take tests. The must've taken him last night." Robin says frantically.

"I can find him. Eddie I mean. More important than Venom right now." El says.

"Who the hell is Venom? What are you talking about?" Nolan pushes for an answer.

"I um... We'll let you know if he shows up." Chrissy corrects, trying to get the others to shut up and stop talking, possibly revealing anything to people who don't need to get involved.

"Yeah... You do that." Gareth replies.

Nolan figures that they are keeping something from them. However, he doesn't want to pry anymore. It was probably important that he didn't get into whatever it was. Maybe it was dangerous? "Thanks." He nods at the both of them. "Gareth, lets get going." He says as they leave.

You Seem Indestructible, my Person is Definetly Not.Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin