18 - No trespassing...

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🎶I Only Have Eyes for You - The Flamingos🎶
You are here and so am I
Maybe millions of people go by
But they disappear from view
And I only have eyes for you

The rest of the kids that weren't there had arrived a little bit late, and right before El was about to search for Eddie. Will, Mike, and Erica open the door and look at the others, who all seem to be in a panic.

"What's going on?" Will questions as he shuts the door behind him.

"Eddie, he was taken by the security agents that tried to get him to get tested." Steve replies. 

Their eyes widen in curiosity and concern. Mike, Will, and Erica all look at each other.

"I am going to find him." El says, sitting with her legs crossed, placing her hands on her knees, and putting on the blindfold. All of them circle around her and stay silent. Watching in anticipation. Max holds Lucas' hand as they sit next to each other. Steve keeps the walkie on, so Robin and Chrissy can listen in aswell.

El focuses on her Sensory Deprivation to find out where he is. Her nose starts to bleed as her mind is transported to the dark place she will locate him in. The only sound is the shallow water in which her feet move around to find any sign of where they could be. Just then, she sees some sort of white van driving through a forest on a twisting path. The headlights lighting the road.

"I found him." She says and continues to watch.

"Tell us what you see when you can, El." Steve says, not trying to push for an answer, although she can hear a clear tone of worry in his voice.

She waits a moment to see if she can notice anything else. "A white van. It's driving through a forest type place. Edge of Hawkins." She says calmly as she sees Eddie in the van. "He's asleep. He has a collar around his neck. Something is tying him to the seat." She continues.

Steve tries to think through anywhere that could be. 'Why do they have him? Why is he tied up? What did they do to him? I can't lose him. Oh God, please don't let Eddie get hurt. Please Eddie, you're going to be ok. This is all my fault. If only I was there to save you. I should've gone to his gig' Steve pleads in his mind. He starts to panic.

"They're going into Hawkins Lab." El says, bringing Steve back to reality. The sign was big and said "Hawkins Lab - No Trespassing"

"Thank God you know where he is." Steve lets out a sigh of relief.

El takes off her blindfold as what she can see comes to an end. "That's all I could see. I do not know why they are taking him there. The men driving did not speak. They looked like what you said they looked like. The lab seems to be abandoned, but is definitely not."

"Probably a distraction to make it seem like all of his information is in Brenner Industries now." Dustin adds.

"I need to get him out of there." Steve says and turns to grab the mask and gloves to his suit.


Little A/N, sorry this took so long to publish, work and school are annoying.

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