21 - Shocking...

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Happy new year my loves! Have some angst </3


🎶Don't Talk to Strangers ~ Dio🎶
Hey you, you know me, you've touched me, I'm real
I'm forever the one that let's you look and see and feel me

"Oh my god! Eddie?!" Steve turns to see Eddie as he it was so unexpected. I mean, he didn't even recognize him. His head was shaved, wearing nothing but uncomfortable looking pants, and bandages that are binding his chest?

That distraction wasn't good. Brenner reached up and swung a metal shock collar around his neck with a loud 'click.'

"NO!" Eddie screamed as Venom wrapped around him. He banged his fist on the barrier, no shock coming through due to the new protection. 

Steve gasped in surprise, pulling at the collar. "Holy shit." He said as Brenner pushed him off.

Eddie heard the most agonizing, painful, hurt, scream that had ever came from anyone's mouth. Spider-Man was being shocked. So horribly shocked, that you could basically see his skeleton through his suit. Eddie's breath hitched out in a surprised sob. Was he crying? Was Eddie crying for Spider-Man? Was it all Eddie's fault?

Spider-Man fell to the ground as the shock subsided. He let out a weak sob and whimper of pain.

Brenner stood up, fixing his hair and clothes, mocking them with a chuckle. "As you can see, he isn't fit to be in public." He reaches down to grab the mask, Venom watching his every move. "Now, let's see who started this whole mess." He smiled and pulled off the mask to reveal to everyone his secret identity.

It settles into everyone's thoughts and mind at once.

Steve Harrington.

Everyone's eyes widened in surprise at the lack of expectation that it was him. "The Harrington boy?!" Brenner exclaimed in shock.

"S-Steve?" Eddie asked as Venom unwrapped around his face. The scream he made was burnt into Eddie's mind once again. That scream was Steve's. That agonizing scream that broke his heart for the hero, and now he felt even worse. He started to tear up again before he forced himself to focus on the situation before him.

Embarrassment ran through every part of Steve's body. Was there really nothing to do now? Was this all not worth it? Will he die trying to save the man he loves? 'Damnit Steve, you're better than this.' Steve thought to himself, in an almost useless attempt to affirm himself. He finally looked towards Eddie. "I'm so sorry, Eddie. I was just trying to-"

"Trying to save me. I know, and it's okay." Eddie interrupts, attempting to comfort Steve.

The security look at each other. "Harrington? Doesn't the company have a building named after him?"
"That's Harrington Senior... This must be Junior."

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