2 - Steve has no Health Insurance...

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🎶Left Hand Free ~ Alt-J🎶

"Shit. Shit. Shit." Steve mumbles under his breath as he slides down the side of Robin's apartment building. Hiding (hopefully) safe behind a dumpster. "Robin... Why do you have to be in school" he groans in pain as he looks down at the knife stabbed into his stomach.

He hears a faint static and yell coming from the backpack he left behind to come back too. He was too dizzy to realize who it was, and how important it would be to answer it.


"Steve! Answer you little shit! Are you ok?" Dustin basically yells into the walkie. "You should be back to the spot by now. You little shit come on!" He sighs and walks over to the phone.

Eddie gets a call late at night.

"Who the hell is calling at this time?" He sighs and picks up the phone.

"Eddie! Thank God you're awake." Dustin basically yells.

Eddie pulls the phone away as Dustin's loud voice blasts in his ear.

"What's up?" Eddie asks, putting the phone back up to the side of his head slowly.

"Steve's in trouble. I can just feel it. Something's wrong."

"Woah, woah, woah. Slow down. What's wrong?" Eddie asks, tired and confused

"Steve. Is. In. Trouble." Dustin says

"Ok got that, no need to slow down that much, smartass." Eddie retorts. "Plus, why can't Buckley check on him? I barely know the guy?"

"She's in class" Dustin rushes

"At 12 am?"

"Night classes. Please, Eddie, I think he's in trouble" Dustin sounds a lot worried now.

"Alright..." He sighs, digging the heels of his palms into his eyes. "You know where he is?"


'What kind of trouble could THE HAIR, possibly be in?'


Eddie parks in the apartment lot to check on where Steve is supposed to be. In an alley? Knowing Dustin, he knew not to question why he was there. Let alone, ask anymore questions.

'Eddie!' Steve thinks and rushes to take his suit off. "Fuck" He whispers, quiet rumbles coming from where he is.

Eddie becomes hesitant, being that it was a dimly lit alleyway and all. "Steve?" He calls out. "I swear, if you're having a back-alley hookup, I'm going to kick your ass!" He says slowly walking further in.

"Wh- Jesus, man. You get mugged?" Eddie says in utter shock, seeing the stab wound and Steve wearing nothing but his boxers.

"Something like that." Steve replies, unfocused and dizzy.

Eddie tries to pick him up, but fails as he watches him stumble from his grasp. "Hey! No falling asleep on me, Harrington." Eddie pleads.

They stumble back into Eddie's car, slowly while Steve clenches his stomach in pain.


Successfully brought, in one piece, back to Steve's apartment. Eddie sighs and bandages his wounds, letting him finally rest.

Sitting on the chair accross from the couch, Eddie bounces his leg and watches Steve the whole time.

What was merely a few hours, felt like a few years to him.

Just then, the door swings open, and a frantic Robin stumbles in, closing the door behind her.

"Is he ok?" She asks, panicked.

"He'll be fine..." Eddie replies 'I hope'

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