4 - Eddie won't shut up about it...

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(Before I start, "Nolan" is the unnamed member of Corroded Coffin. I named him myself. In the wiki, he is listed as "Unnamed 'Freak'" lol.)


🎶Ramble On ~ Led Zeppelin🎶

It's been a while since Eddie basically watched Steve completely heal in a few hours... From a stab wound... And he won't keep quiet about it...

Dustin was right about him being so oblivious.


Later that night, at Corroded Coffin's band practice, Eddie rants to the first people he tells. Gareth and Nolan.

"Ok so you guys know Steve, right?" Eddie asks.

"Steve 'The Hair' Harrington?" Gareth mocks and Nolan laughs.

"Yes. Yes him. Just listen, ok?" He says impatiently.

"I thought you got over your thing for him?" Nolan says.

"Will you be quiet? I'm trying to tell you something crazy!" Eddie retorts and it makes both the others quiet as they pack up. "So, Dustin calls me, and asks me to check on him. I ask him why, and you know Dustin. But anyway I find him in the back of an alley hiding behind a dumpster!"

"He have a hookup?" Gareth teases.

"That's what I thought too! But there he was, a knife wound in his stomach and he's bleeding everywhere. So I drive him to his apartment and bandage him up. How I got in... Is not important. Lay him on the couch and waited until Robin came in. She was freaking out, I was freaking out, but within the time I was sitting there, I realize. He was bleeding out, then a few hours later, he's totally fine!" Eddie exclaims.

By now the others weren't paying much attention. Thinking all of this was just a crazy hyperbole. Gareth takes a sip of his Dr. Pepper. (✨exquisite✨)

Nolan sighs. "Are you sure you weren't too high? Sounds a bit... exaggerated..."

"You guys are no help..." Eddie rolls his eyes and finishes packing his guitar and other equipment up before leaving and not saying a word.


Then the next day he's at work with Chrissy Cunningham.

"Steve Harrington?" She asks.

"Yes him. Now listen." He says. "Find him in an alley behind a literal dumpster with a stab wound with nothing on but his boxers!" He exclaims.

She teasingly wolf whistles.

"Chrissy this isn't funny! No one is taking me seriously!" He sighs.

"Ok... Ok... Continue." She responds.

"So I get him back to his apartment, take care of his wounds, and let him sleep on his couch until Robin eventually came in and then pushed me out when he woke up! And when he was woken up, he seemed completely healed." He rambles.

"Rude. But understandable." Chrissy replies as she wipes down the cash register and counter.

"Chrissy, I didn't even give him painkillers!" He says and she rolls her eyes.

"Maybe you're taking this deeper than you're really meant to. I mean they didn't come to work today, so maybe he's not really completely fine."

"But Robin said they had to get ready for work yesterday." He sighs.

"Trust me, they didn't come in yesterday." She says. "He's ok Eddie. He'll be fine, and plus you were up all night. You might've heard something she didn't say..." Chrissy says, trying to comfort him.

"Yeah... You're probably right..." Eddie replies, trying to convince himself that she was correct.


After work, he went out for lunch with his Uncle Wayne. Telling him the same story as before, when his uncle interupts him mid sentence.

Eddie continues "Yeah so I find Steve-"

"Eddie, I thought you were over this boy." Wayne replies strait forward.

Eddie blushes and looks down in embarrassment. "I- I am." He studders.

"Then stop talking about 'em." Wayne replies. "It won't do you no good."

"I'm sorry..."

"No need to say sorry about it, you're a good man for caring about 'em."

"I appriciate you. Thank you for making reality actually hit."

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