THE FIRST NIGHTS at their new appartment in Monaco flew by. They furnished the house with furniture from Lando's house back in the UK, and the other half they bought together. They...I mean mostly Xenia chose the colours of the furniture. They went with the beige and black theme. It all looked very neat. Lando let Xenia choose what she liked because he knew that he would be away from the appartment, half of the year because of his job. Today it was Friday night, and a free weekend for Lando, what meant in Monaco; party weekend.
"When are you starting your job here?'' Lando asked while taking a bite of his chicken wrap, he made for them as dinner meal. "Upcoming Monday.'' Xenia said, chewy slowly on her chicken wraps, eyes closed because of delicious it tasted. "You like it?'' Lando smiled.
"Yes.'' She smiled. "Are you nervous?'' Lando then asked.
"For my new job?'' She asked, she frowned her eyebrows a little. "Hmmh.'' Lando nodded while stuffing his mouth full with the last bite of his chicken wrap.
"No.'' She just said bluntly, lifting her wine glass and taking a sip. "Why? I would be very nervous.'' Lando said, still his mouth full.
"I just transferred from Apple UK to Apple Monaco, its the same job but with new people. I mean, I know you are thinking right now that I'm really anti-social. What I am, but no. I will survive.'' Xenia smiled.
Lando chuckled a little. "I wouldn't say that you are anti-social but skipping every party on Saturday, to lay in your bed, watching movies... A lil sus.'' Lando gave her a grin, he lifted his glass of water and took a big gulp of it.
"Fuck you Norris, now that the party girl in you is going to be alive, every other free weekend.. You can't judge me. I will be hungover free on Sunday, and I will not help you.''
"But you are coming tonight, right?'' Lando pouted his lips a little.
"Yes only because the new movies on Netflix are shit, so I have time.''
''Yes.'' Lando lifted a fist in the air and made a celebrate move. "It's a win.'' He sung.
After dinner, Xenia disappeared into her room. After she showered, she looked through her clothes. Although it was February here in Monaco, it was not freezing, the air hit a little of fourteen degrees celsius at night. So she could wear a dress, she thought.
A full hour later, Xenia walked out of her room, dressed in a tight, black, bodycon dress that hugged her figure, the dress hit a little above her knee, so she would be comfortable in it. A small slit in her dress, hung on her right leg. Her breasts popped out nice in the small, v-line of the dress. The spaghetti straps, rested on her collarbones. Under neat she wore her open, black heels with tie straps, new from ASOS.
"Dress to impress here, right?'' She asked when Lando came into view, sitting on the couch.
He had his legs a little wide and his attention full on his phone screen. He wore his neat, black trousers with low black and white dunks as shoes. As shirt he wore a black button up, with a few buttons loose, his golden chain blinking with the light of his phone. His brown curls neatly down with gel, although one little curl hung loose on his forehead. He slowly looked up, admiring Xenia's outfit.
"We are looking a little bit.. soulless.'' She breathed, admiring Lando.
"I think we are looking great. I mean.. you look beautiful.'' Lando panted. He admired her lips, what she painted with red lipstick and her eyes with a little bit of reddish brown eyeshadow, what made her green eyes pop out. Her bones in her face, lightly bronzed and highlighted with her long eyelashes filled in with mascara.
"Oh well.. Thank you sir. You don't look bad either..'' She grinned. Shit, he is looking like a snack, I mean a whole, damn meal. Why did you say just.. that Xenia? She thought.
The doorbell rang, Lando lifted himself on his feet and walked to Xenia. "The uber is here, I know it's a fifteen minute walk, but you are on heels so..'' He smiled.
"Oh, such a gentleman.'' She chuckled.
"I know.'' Lando grinned. Xenia her eyes scanned Lando's body. "Oh Norris, don't flatter yourself.'' She playful gave him a poke in his hips. He walked to the front door.
"Oh, I won't.'' He said.
''Wait. Your ass looks nice in these pants.'' Before she finished her sentence, her manicured, small nail poked in his butt cheek. "Hey!'' Lando laughed. "Sorry but I had too.'' She just said smiling.
''And now actually.. I'm very flattered, Miss Bleau.'' Lando smirked, grabbing her arms and pulling her into his chest. His body hitting her body from behind. His hands now on her hips as he pushed her slightly but soft forward.
"We can't be late tonight.'' He muttered as they walked outside the door together. He turned to his front door to lock it. "Why? It's just a night club.'' Xenia laughed.
"We are partying with some colleagues of mine tonight.'' Lando said, as they started walking to the elevator. Xenia her heels made sound with every step, her hips swayed with her walk. On her shoulder her, grey, shiny bag.
"From the headquaters?" She asked, Lando told her some stories from the McLaren building in woking.
"No, the other drivers.'' He simply said.
oh nooo. she only met max in the hallways. time to meet some others.. ;)

housekeeping | lando norris
Romance❝in which a boy falls in love with his house keeper❞