Reid DeMun RyderNashville, Tennessee3:24am

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Reid DeMun Ryder
Nashville, Tennessee

A/N: i know future's name in real life is not reid, or last name is ryder, but it's just for the story, just letting y'all know! anyways, enjoy.

i lay awake in bed. i turn over to check the clock for the fifth time tonight: 3:24 a.m.

i tried to go to sleep hours ago but the memories of tonight keep replaying in my head like a broken record.

the way gabriella relaxed my presence tonight felt so natural, so right. i haven't laughed that hard in years

my mind goes back to the point in the night when gabriella had finished her third beer, and when she tried to throw the dart, it went straight into someone's drink.

i let out a chuckle just thinking about it.

i need to get some sleep. the band is expecting me at 9 a.m. tomorrow to practice our gig before the big show at the commons

i think about the band for a moment, but before long, my mind returns to her.

maybe i could invite gabriella to come

i shake my head, trying to get her out of my head, but it's hopeless, and i know it.

oh, what have i done?

on my way to the band, i stop by rosie's to get a coffee since i didn't get much sleep last night and could use the energy.

when i walk inside, i see carol standing behind the counter.

"reid, how nice to see you this bright and early"

"good morning, carol. how are you?"

"better than you, it appears! you look you didn't get a minute of sleep last night"

i let out a tired laugh.

"i didn't sleep much at all. so i could use a coffee"

"well, you came to the right place"

carol turns around and pours me a large black coffee and hands it across the counter.

"how much do i owe you?"

"this one is on me, sweetie"

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