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      Gabriella Sarmiento WilsonNashville, Tennessee10:03pm

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      Gabriella Sarmiento Wilson
Nashville, Tennessee

i feel a rush of excitement and fear so intense that it shoots up my entire body.

"a baby?"

"yes, gabriella. a baby"

i walk up to brian , holding the pregnancy test in his hands.

even though i believe him, i must see the results for myself.

he hands the white stick to me, and i can see the double line before my eyes.

"i'm pregnant"

the moments of fear i had leading up to this seem to dissipate.

pure joy is all i can feel now.

i don't realize that i'm crying until a droplet hits the stick i'm still clutching onto.

"honey, this is amazing"

brian walks up to me and kisses me on the cheek before bringing me in for a hug.

"i'm so happy. i can't believe i'm going to be a father"

whatever dopamine-fantasy i was in is instantly dislodged.

brian? the father? could it be?

this whole time, i thought that reid was undoubtedly the father.

but now that brian has planted that idea in my mind, i start to think there could be a chance.

frantically, my mind traces back to the time where me and brian slept together.

counting the weeks, i try to remember when exactly it was that time the row of us had a little rendezvous.

that couldn't possibly be when—

i feel a tightening in my stomach at the possibility.

the window between the time i slept with reid and the time i think i slept with brian is too close for comfort.


the fear of what to do in this mess becomes too much to handle.

i pull away from brian.

"gabriella? is everything okay?"

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