17. Veiny

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(A/N: i'm reading all of your comments and you guys are HILARIOUS. Also i checked my screen time and in the past 3 days i've spent 10 hrs & 53 minutes on wattpad.. 💀 And Warning: This chapter is sad lol, but hopefully you enjoy the end.)

i've been here for 3 days. I think.

I've tried to get out of these ropes, but all it's done was leave skid marks on my wrists and ankles

I was left with no food. No water... not even a fucking bathroom.

I don't know how long i'll survive if i'm going to be left here. I thought i would be tortured and killed. But it's been nothing but silence for the past God knows how many hours.

The only thing that's been keeping me sane is imagining him knocking those filthy doors down and saving me

Being my knight and shining armor rescuing me, riding on a white horse.

But i've never been one to get a happy ending.

I wish i could hear Soaps voice one more time, i just want to listen to another corny dad joke for the last time, wishing for one more hug. I never thought this was the way i was going to die.

..I wish i could see his face one more time. Feel his touch and smell his after shave, and look into those captivating eyes...

I think it's been 6 days now. I've lost track of how many rocks i counted, how many tiles i counted, and all of the screams i heard.. suddenly the door was opened, in walked in Hassan with a camera, and he was speaking to it. I wasn't comprehending what he was saying, i kept going in and out of consciousness. Eventually i heard the door slam. He left.

Death by torture would be easier than this. At least i would die in an instant. But leaving me here to rot is more cruel then i could've imagined.

"Ouch!" i look down to see a rat biting my feet. Fuck. I try to push him off with whatever power i have left, but he's fucking huge. Now i'm panicking. I refuse to die to a rat, that's so embarrassing.

'So what was the cause of death?'

'Oh yeah, super tragic, so she was actually eaten by a rat.'

Ratatouille eventually fucked off, little bitch.

Then i hear the door being kicked in...


*Third person point of view, Back at the base.*

It's been 3 days. 3 days of no sleep for Soap and Ghost. 3 days of no food. 3 days of no water.

Soap eventually put the pieces together, he knew that Ghost and y/n were involved together. But he didn't give a fuck at the moment; he just wanted to bring his sister home. He knew he should've forced her to stay in Scotland, and he blames himself.

He doesn't know what he would do if he loses another family member. He'll go insane without here, he'll miss her laugh, the way her eyes twinkle when she tells a stupid joke, and their stupid fights they had constantly.

He wishes he showed her that he loved her more often.

They've been to every area they thought Hassan would be at, but no luck...

On the 6th day they began losing hope.

It's not the same anymore without her around, their world turned grey. Nothing mattered anymore.

6 cities.

They went to 6 cities searching for her, but no luck.

But then something happened- a video tape was delivered to them the next day.

You Can't Kill a Ghost (Simon Riley x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now