Chapter 7

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Kivuli could feel warm sand between her paws, she could feel her whole body sinking comfortable into it. At first she thought it to be a nice, calming feeling, until she remembered that there was no way she could have gotten to the sand. The protogen quickly jumped up, shocked.

The area that she awoke in resembled a beach, lit dimly by the stars and the moon. Towering palm trees lined the shore behind her, and right in front of her lay an enormous, peaceful ocean. Although matched with fear, Kivuli couldn't help but feel awe as her eyes were met with the beautiful surroundings. The air was calm and warm as it gently weaved through her fur. Kivuli then looked to where the sea met the shore and noticed that each time a wave washed over the sand, it carried a load of shining, bright blue bioluminescence with it. The protogen stood completely still, unable to take her eyes off of the beautiful ocean. However, when one wave washed up onto the shore, a dark patch in the water seemed to drown out some of the bioluminescence. Kivuli was confused on to what the substance was, so she slowly walked toward it and knelt down to get a closer look. After that wave had been pulled back into the sea, she noticed that the sand where the darker patch had been was now stained red. Before she could process this, another wave washed ashore, however this one's glow had been almost completely drowned out by the dark red liquid; blood. Fresh blood.

Kivuli jumped back, tossing herself into the soft sand behind her. The protogen could feel herself begin to cry as the she shielded her face from the horrible sight with her paws, knowing exactly what was happening. Memories from the nightmare she had experienced before were flooding her mind, and as that fear inside her grew, the feeling of an unwelcome presence grew along with it. Kivuli could feel herself shaking as the moonlight seeping through the spaces between her paws became completely blocked out, as a shadow came over her. She could hear the sharp cling of a set of claws retracting right in front of her, and just like that, it was all over.

She awoke in her bed once again, experiencing a cold sweat. She was breathing heavily, still caught up in the nightmare, until she began to adjust to the world around her. Everything was peaceful and quiet, just like it was when Kivuli had fallen asleep. She noticed that the first thing she saw when waking, was a picture of her and Lapis, placed neatly on the shelf. However, her face was slightly more directed to Lapis as she went from the dream world back to reality. Kivuli didn't think much of it, why would she need to? The dream was over now, that was all that mattered. However, that gut wrenching feeling that stuck to her in the nightmare still remained to that exact moment, and would most certainly be affecting her in the future.

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