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"Do you think we will ever see them again?" I ask them, breaking the silence that has been since we left Mack and Addy behind. "Well... My heart says yes, but my mind doesn't" Warren replies with a sigh. I'm honestly touched by their leaving, Addy and i got along really well, she was like a big sister to me. Doc pats my leg and gives me a reassuring glance. I also let out a sigh, before settling down and resting my head on his shoulder, closing my eyes for a bit. 


time skip

It has been several days now, and let me tell you, we have not had one single moment of rest. Murphy has literally been kidnapped from us just a few days ago, and when we rescued him we found out something rather unsettling. He controlled his kidnappers mind. Not a zombie, a living person. After biting him. If that's not something to seriously worry about, i don't know. 
Anyhow, Citizen Z now sent us to some weird location in Colorado. The lab in California has gone silent, and he thinks it might be for good. But, he says doctor Merch will be waiting for us. So it should be good. 
Oh, and even better news. Much better (that's sarcasm alright). Cassandra turned up again. Isn't that amazing. We walked into her and now she's joining us again. Mostly because she's seriously injured and they didn't want to leave her alone like this. I guess i'm the only one who doesn't quite like her vibe. 10k on the other hand, didn't wait a second to help her out, always supporting her to stand on her fucking feat, holding her god damn hair when she's throwing up, you get the point. I think it's obvious i'm pretty annoyed by it. Not that i'm jealous, or anything. 

Enough chatting, now we've arrived in Colorado. The 'lab' we were expecting, looks more like a garage or shed kind of thing. Not what we expected. Also i've noticed that Murphy isn't very enthousiastic to reunite with his all time favorite doctor. Which i can't blame him for. But i feel like he's up to something, once again. We park the van a few feet from the building, and see a group of zombies standing in front of it, all facing the door not even noticing us. As we all get out, Warren puts Murphy into handcuffs. Clever, i must say, but this doesn't really grow his trust for us. Then, he starts walking to the door fastly, and the zombies come running towards all of us. We quickly jump back into the van and close all the doors. I didn't want to say it, but i saw that coming. All of us have barely any ammo left so we're really locked in right now. Warren shouts for Murphy, who comes walking back to us. "Oh, you want my help?" he says. Nonchalant. He opens the back of the car, zombies still around it. But they don't attack us, or at least not yet. He tells us to follow him, but Warren makes a great comment. "How do you know they won't eat us exactly?" he shrugs "I don't". Great. We all cuddle up closely to him as we walk to the building. Well isn't this cozy. 

We left the zombies outside as we explore the building. "Why were they all so greedy to get inside? Is it brains?" I ask them. "No. It's something else, i can feel it" Murphy responds. Amazing. All over the floor are dead doctors spread around. It seems pretty abandoned in here though. Suddenly, a bunch of zombies come at us, and we really have nothing to defend us with. A couple bullets each, and our bare hands. But sure, we can manage. After killing most of them off, we hear a phone going off. That's strange. Somewhere a dead doctor is laid, with his phone next to him ringing. Doc grabs the phone and sees a dozen of text messages on it. "He was texting his wife about the place going into quarantine, and then how some things were not going great and how he was getting scared. Then 'tell the kids i love them'". Damn. Everyone is quiet for a moment. Then suddenly, Citizen Z texts the phone. This guy is really a genius. He tells us we have to look for a working computer and search for something, and so we do.

We find several video's of animal testing, from a year before the apocalypse. "Uhm, how did they know to be working on a vaccine before anyone was affected?" Murphy asks. None of us give an answer, because we obviously don't know. After that we also found a video of Doctor Merch asking some dude a lot of questions, because the decontamination alarm went off in there. 
"Well, who's with me on wanting to get the hell out of here?" Doc breaks the silence among us. I quickly raise my hand. "Nobody is going anywhere" Murphy says as he stands up from the computer. Well if i were him, i would want to get out of here for sure, but alright. "We came here to find Doctor Merch and that's exactly what we're going to do" Good point good point, if she's here, she's the only hope for a vaccine. 

Doc is on a call with Citizen Z right now, and to get to the right lab, we have to go through decontamination first, is what he says. Uhm i'm not sure if it's like the movies, but nuh uh. He explains the process to us as we listen closely. "Naked?!" Warren rolls her eyes. "Ofcourse it is...".
"What are we waiting for than" Murphy says, starting to quickly undress. Good lord.
We all stand in a circle facing away from each other as we undress and wait in our underwear for our clothes to decontaminate. I look to my left as i make eye contact with 10k, quickly looking up to my eyes. "Aye eyes up front young babes" I say, snapping my fingers at him. He quickly turns "Sorry! Sorry" He says, but slightly smirking. "Cassandra are you okay" Warren asks her, as she holds herself up on 10k's shoulder, ofcourse. Why can't she clasp onto Murphy for once? "Feel like i'm gonna pass out" she replies. Good. 

After the whole decontamination, we all get clothed again quickly. Then, suddenly Cassandra drops to the ground. Of course, 10k to her rescue. We all gather around. "I don't think i can go much further" she says. "I've got her, i'll carry her if i have to" 10k quickly says, looking at Warren. Boy be for fucking real. So that's what he does. He picks her up, and continues carrying her as we walk through the building. 

We have been going through so many halls and rooms, and let me tell you the things we saw on our way there...crazy unhuman shit. We even came across some mutated zombies who attacked Murphy. We continue walking through a hallway as i'm just a little behind 10k and Cassandra. She tells him to stop carrying her, and that she's gonna be all of our deaths. But he doesn't listen. "Please Tommy" she says. She said what now? Calling him by his real name and everything naw. That makes him stop, and putting her down against the wall. I stop walking as well. "Just don't tell anyone my name alright" he kind of laughs, and she nods. Be so for real. She passes out just before Warren catches up to us. Everyone gathers around and we find a hospital bed to put her on. "What happened?" She asks when she regains consciousness. "You stay here and get some rest, we'll come back for you" Warren tells her. Can't we accidentally not?
She also gives her a gun with her last bullet, just in case. We get out of the room and before he leaves, 10k gives her a hug. We continue or search. "So are we getting some apocalypse babies soon 10k?" Murphy jokes, like the super funny guy he is. I roll my eyes as he looks shocked by this comment. "What no, absolutely not" he awkwardly replies, as he looks at me and sees my slightly not so slightly annoyed glance. "Come on guys not right now" Doc says, motioning us to keep moving. I'm going to lose my mind over here. 

Journey {Z Nation}Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora