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"If you want to get a vehicle you need to talk to Wannamaker, he should be in the bar" Is the last thing he tells us, before he walks away with Skeezy. We all get inside the bar, where Warren is sitting at the counter, drinking. Doc and Murphy go to talk to that Wannamaker guy, 10k is at the food bar next to this building, and I'm just standing in the doorway, not outside, but not inside the bar either. Like this I can keep an eye out for whatever may come, or whoever may come. A little later, it's time for the shooting contest, and Doc and I go stand next to 10k in the row. There's a few older men who signed up, and one girl about my age, maybe a little older. "You should've signed up too" 10k tells me, and i shrug. "I don't really like being in the spotlights. And i wouldn't be able to beat you anyways" I answer, and i laugh at the end. He just shrugs with a smile and gets his sniper ready. 

He gets through almost every round and it's only a guy, that girl, and him left. Suddenly, we see a few z's coming from a distance, and the 3 of them shoot them first, before continueing. Doc tells me to stay with 10k, and walks away a few seconds later. 10k looks up at me, and I just nod and smile, telling him to keep focus. It's only the girl and him left now, and more and more z's start coming out of nowhere. Chaos is starting to form, but Skeezy tells them to keep going until someone gets to win the prize. Doc comes back and stands next to me. "We need to get out of here" He tells me, and I shake my head. "We can't, not yet" I answer. "He's still in it" He mentiones. "Ofcourse he is" I chuckle. "That's our boy" He laughs, and i do too. "Ready to give up?" 10k chuckles at the girl, since they're the only ones left. "If that's you trying to make me give up it's failing miserably" She seriously says, and he smirks. Her dad, standing next to her, tells her to stay focused, and she looks at 10k. "That gun is mine" She simply says, sounding like she'll fucking kill him if he'd win. He just glances at her with some kind of smirk, I can't even tell what that was, or was supposed to be. I've said it before, but does he really need to act like a horny 12 year old whenever he sees one pretty girl? She's not even being nice to him, at all. I guess the apocalypse does weird things to you. I just sigh heavenly and shake my head at it. 
"Don't worry kid, it's just what happens to guys when they haven't seen a girl in awhile, it's like an instinct. He's probably really curious what it's like, since y'all started off the apocalypse at a young age and don't really know yet" Doc starts 'explaining' to me, and i frown at him, then i shrug. "I guess I just wished I was one of those girls. But you're right, I would like to know what it's like as well" I simply say, and he nods and smiles at me. "I've been shipping this since the start it better fucking happen soon" He laughs, and I just shake my head while laughing. 

We really didn't even notice, but when we get our attention back to the contest, Skeezy tells everyone that 10k wins. He gets up and takes his price, putting it down next to his other sniper. I walk up to him and put my hand out to give him a high five, and he skips it completely and hugs me, surprising me. Is 10k...hugging someone? Not just someone, but me? He lets go only a good second later and we smile at each other. "Congrats buddy" I tell him, and he thanks me and walks back to his guns, taking his old one. He pust it out to me, and i frown. "I want you to have this" He says, and i widen my eyes. "I can't take that 10k. It's yours, it's ok, I already have my own" I tell him, but he shakes his head. "I don't need it anymore, and this one's better than yours anyway. Just take it I know you want it" He tells me, and laughs. I pout at him and take it, thanking him too many times. While all of that was happening, chaos broke out. More and more z's are getting here and all of the others are gone. "We need to get back to the others, and get out of here" I tell him, and he nods, and we run away hoping to find them. 

We kill so many z's, and I can hear 10k next to me counting his numbers up. Murphy suddenly drives by us and stops, and we sprint up to the car and get into the trunk so he can drive away again immediately. I look inside the car. Murphy, Doc, Warren, ok we got everyone, now get the fuck out of this place lmao. We are finally away from that place and are driving through the farmland again, listening to CZ's radio. Apparently there's like a zombie tsunami coming, with maybe even thousands of z's. He tells everyone they need to go west, so lucky us, we need to head west anyways. But we're trying not to lose too much time, whatever that znami thing might be, I do not wanna be near it. 

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