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We found a really good place to stay, a nice house with a fence around it which has electric powers on, so the z's can't get past. We're listening to CZ on the radio the whole day, and he told us there's a storm coming. It's a good day though, for once. Murphy and Doc are playing cards, Warren and Garnett are outside to protect, Addy and Mack...are making love upstairs- And 10k and I are laying on the couches. He's reading some book he found here, and i'm trying to take a nap, or at least just some rest. 

I feel something move above me and quickly get up and pull my gun out. Then, i notice it's 10k and i immediately lower it again. "Sorry i didn't know it was you" I tell him, and he looks at me with wide eyes from my reflexes. "It's okay, I was putting the blanket on top of you" He replies, and i nod and softly smile. "Thank you" I just say, now pulling it on top of me myself. He sits back down on the couch next to mine and i close my eyes again. 

"PUPPIES AND KITTENS TIME TO GO!" Warren suddenly yells while running inside the house, and i sit up immediately and rub my eyes quickly. We all get up and take our stuff really fast. The z's then get inside and we kill a few of them before running outside back into the car. I get into the trunk and we drive away, and I sigh in tiredness from suddenly being wide awake. We stop the car outside of the city and listen to what CZ has to say. "Northern Light, you guys better seek shelter immediately, and contact me when you're safe" He says, and he talks about a huge storm, and even a tornado. We all sigh heavenly because we don't know what to do and this storm could be here any moment. We decide to get back onto the road ofcourse and get to the next town. 

The road splits up and it's either going right to the tornado, or to Castle Point. To my surprise, Warren turns right, to the tornado. When she notices that, she sighs heavenly, and turns around. "That's your hometown right?" Garnett says, and she just nods and drives into that direction. I guess that makes sence now. We finally arrive and get out of the car. "My basement is really safe, we can go there" Warren tells us, and we nod. She walks up to a board with newspapers and stuff on, also with letters to all the people who died in this town. I get back to the car with Mack and Addy and wait for them. "Oh no, we're not here searching for a dead husband are we" We hear Murphy complain, and then silence. Auch. They get back and Warren just walks by motioning us to follow her, and we do so. We see the tornado getting closer, and it looks really scary. It's scaring away z's, so there's a lot of them on their way too.

We arrive at her old house and quickly get inside. I can see that Warren is scared to maybe find her husband in here, alive or dead. We go through the whole house to make sure it's safe, and it is. We decide to gather some supplies before the tornado hits and we need to get into the basement. Garnett tells me to look around the street to see what i can find, but not go too far. "I'll come with you" 10k suggests, and i nod and we walk out of the house together. 

A few moments later, the storm is getting really strong. And we decide we need shelter now, not in 2 minutes when we get back to the others, but now. We get into the nearest car we can see and watch it getting closer. The car even starts moving because of how strong the wind is, and we both look at each other with fear. A  bike flies against the car and we both jump from it and i grab his arm. When i realise i slowly let go, but he looks down and takes my hand. We look at each other both just hoping we're going to survive. 
Suddenly, the car moves, and starts swinging back and forth. We're scared that it's going to turn, and i squeeze his hand. And as said, the car turns on his roof, and back. It moves more and more and we eventually end up back on the right side. 

When the storm finally calms down and is completely over, we both sigh heavenly, and open the doors of the car, stepping out. We look around us to see total chaos, whole houses have been thrown apart. I don't know how we're still alive. But we need to get back to the others, so we start jogging back to the house. 

There's barely anything left of Warren's house, and all of them are standing by the car they just got back out of the garage. We run up to them and are happy that all of us made it. Murphy's hair is completely gone all of the sudden, i notice. "Hey did your hair blow away too?" I jokingly ask him, sitting next to him on the sidewalk. He chuckles. "I decided it was the perfect moment for a fresh cut" He simply says, and i laugh and nod. We wait for everyone to get ready and all get inside the car. 

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