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Someone is shaking me like crazy, and i open my eyes slowly, seeing Doc. "Thank god you're alive, i thought we lost you but you werent injured" He sighs and says to me, and i sit straight holding my head. "We need to get out of here right now. That crazy Jacob guy got all the z's captured and is holding everyone else under shot. And i don't even know where 10k is" He starts explaining to me, and i sigh. "Alright let's go" I say, and i get up slowly, my head still hurting like a bitch. We walk through some hallways and finally get by a door that leads outside, hearing gunshots and z's everywhere out there. Things are getting messed up i suppose. We open the door and as expected, total chaos. Warren is just sitting on the floor staring out in front of her, but I can't see what she's looking at. Addy and Mack are trying to kill z's and Murphy gets here with the car, yelling at us to get in. Addy and Mack do so, and we make our way there too. I get to Warren and follow her gaze, seeing Garnett, on the ground, blood everywhere. I put my hand in front of my mouth and gasp. He's turning, we can see it in his eyes. "Warren I'm so sorry but we really really need to go now" I calmly tell her, and she nods, a tear falling down her face. His head is in her hands and they look at each other since he's still himself, but not for long anymore. His eyes close, only to open again seconds later, he turned. She grabs her weapon that she apparently got back earlier, and points it at his head. "I give you mercy" She says, tears streaming down her face. Gunshot. 

She gets up and we run over to the car and get inside. Mack hands me my weapons and i smile at him. "Thank you" I just say. "Where's 10k?" Doc asks everyone, and we all shrug, but Murphy points to the roof of the building. 10k is just simply laying there getting his sniper, ready to jump off and run to us. When he does, he shoots a few z's that are in his way, and jumps into the trunk next to me and Doc. Doc's looking at my back to see if there's any big injures, but he tells me it's just gonna be a very bad bruise. I hold my head in pain and he hands me a painkiller. I take it and look up at 10k, who's looking at us too. "What happened?" He asks, and i chuckle. "Someone pushed me out of their way onto the corner of a wall and i passed out, until Doc found me like 5 minutes ago" I explain to him, and he looks at me in sorry. "I'm sorry i wasn't there to help you out" He simply says, and i shrug. "It's not your fault no one was there, no one could know" I tell him. I lay down on some 'blankets' that are laying in the trunk and close my eyes, ready to fall asleep in only a few seconds. 

Everyone is quiet on the road, i only slept for a little bit but everyone is just looking around them in silence, not knowing how to act. One of us died, one of our own people died. I feel horrible, and i can't imagine how Warren feels. The last thing they told each other was that they loved each other, and i'm so happy for them that they got to hear that. 

It's about a day later, and we found a motorcycle, so Mack and Addy are sharing it, and driving in front of our car. We're listening to CZ on the radio, talking about Garnett's death. He salutes him in name of everyone. I look next to me to Warren and see a tear roll over her cheeck.
The car suddenly starts slowing down, ah great, here we go again. We stop and Doc opens up the front of the car, smoke is coming out of it. Mack and Addy turn around and stop next to us too. Apparently something's wrong with the radiator of the car. I don't even know. "Alright, Addy and i will scout up ahead, see if we find some help" Mack suggests, and we nod. Doc tells him about that we should stick together, but Mack doesn't listen, and gets back on the motorcycle. 

10k taped up a hole in the car and tells us we need to get some water in there, so we put almost all of  our water into it. "I'll drive" 10k says, and Doc nods and gives him the keys. We get back into the car. I sit next to Murphy, who's sitting next to Warren, and Doc is in the passenger seat.

We pass a road sign that says 'gun show today' and Doc suggest we go there. A few minutes later we arrive at the place, and see some people already. They let us drive inside and 10k parks the car with all the other ones already here. We get out and walk up to the entrace, where a woman and a man are sitting, the man having his hat over his face while being asleep. "Entree's 7" The woman says. "7 what?" Doc asks her. "Bullets, oxy, or whatever good stuff you have" She answers. The man wakes up and says something, too weird for me to fully understand. Doc laughs, i guess it's an inside joke, because it looks like they know each other. "Well slap my ass if that aint Scetchy McClain!" He laughs, and they share a quick hug. They start talking a little bit to catch up really quick, and he tells us he'll give us a little 'tour' of the place. 

We start walking through the streets and we get to a small truck with weapons standing around, like a shop or something. "Hey Skeezy, you wont believe what i got here!" He yells, to one of the guys standing there. The guy turns around and spots Doc. "Doc!" He happily says, and we walk up to him and his truck. They start talking as well and the guy from earlier, Sketchy, starts telling us about the weapons. He points to a building. "Over there is the bar-" He starts explaining something about it, but Warren is already walking her way inside. "Woah. Somebody's thirsty" He laughs, and stops talking. "You guys should tag along to the shooting contest" He then says to us. "What's the price?" 10k asks him, and the other guy, Skeezy, steps inside the truck, and gets a 50 caliber M82 Barret out. 10k and I look at each other with wide eyes, his sparkling from exciting. "With ammo" Skeezy adds when he shows us the weapon closely. Doc starts talking to Sketchy about it again, and 10k interrups them. "Where do i sign up?" He asks him, making him turn around and look at him with a frown. "You think you got what it takes little man" He chuckles at him, and i step forward. "10k could kill a z at 50 yards away with a rubber band and a paperclip. Don't underestimate him" I tell Sketchy, and he looks at me and nods. "Alright, sign up is in the bar" He then tells him, and 10k looks at me. He smiles widely and i smile back, nodding to the bar telling him to go sign up. He walks away and we all turn back to Sketchy. 

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