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I don't think I have even been this dehydrated. We haven't had a good gulp of water in 2-3 days or so. Warren, Doc, 10K and I are all laying on the road, not even having the strength to move on. My belly hurts like hell I can tell you, I really need water, we all do. But ofcourse, Murphy is completely fine, actually, too fine. He's walking around as if there's no apocalypse, telling us to get up. "Come on guys I'm not gonna get to Cali myself am I" He jokes, hovering over me waiting for a response. I just lay on the ground and grunt. "We need water, Murphy. Why are you so alive all of the sudden" I tell him, and he chuckles. "I don't know to be honest, but that water is not gonna come up to us itself, so we need to move on" He continuous telling me, and I sigh. I sit straight and pull myself up, using him for stability. "He's right guys, we need to keep going and find water. We have no choice" I sigh, telling the others, who lay on the ground a few feet further. Doc gets up next. "You're right kid" He says. I help Warren up and we grab our stuff to get going, while 10K is still on the ground. Doc is trying to get him up but no succes. I go over to them and we both grab one of his arms, pulling him up immediately. "Come on buddy we need you okay" I tell him, and he looks at me and softly smiles. Murphy then tells us to hurry, because of some kind of dusty wind coming our way, which doesn't really help when you're already dehydrated. "What do you mean dusty wind?" I turn around, only to see a whole ass wall of dust coming up to us. "That is not dust. That's a whole ass zunami" Warren says, and we can see it too now. "We need to get inside right now" She then says, and we all nod and hurry. 10K grabs his stuff too and we follow Murphy and Warren to a building.

We get to a building with a pretty strong door and rush inside before the z's arrive. "WAIT" We hear someone call, and a man runs up to the building, only a few feet behind him followed by zombies. We tell him to hurry and he does, making us close the door only seconds before they get here. We lock it and they are trying to get inside already. My legs can't hold me any longer, so I let myself fall onto the ground again, just like the others, exept Murphy and the new guy. We talk about the zombies apparently migrating for the winter, at least that's what the guy told us. He then grabs a bottle out of his backpack and starts sipping from it, making all of us sit straight and look at him. "You have water??" "Please give us a little" Me and Doc both say at the same time, and he looks up. "Oh this isn't water" He chuckles. We understand that it's alcohol, but I do not care. "Doesn't matter, can you please share? We havent had a drink in 3 days" I explain to him. Normally Warren would be the one doing the talking, but she is literally knocked out on the table. He chuckles again and hands it to me. I open it and take one gulp myself, before patting 10k next to me, making him open his eyes. "Drink up 10k" I tell him, and he takes it from me and drinks a little of it. "Thanks" He says, smiling. He hands it over to Warren, who then hands it over to Doc. The bottle must be empty now. We're still dehydrated though this was only a little. We stay on the ground until Murphy speaks up. "They are going to get in soon, we should keep looking if we can go anywhere else through this building" He tells us, and Doc nods, getting up already. I'm so tired from running earlier, my legs are not happy with me. And so are 10k's. "Come on kids" Doc says, making us get up slowly, following them through a little hallway and another door. "Is this a mortuary?" Warren asks, and we all nod, seeing the few cabins in front of us against the wall. This door is pretty strong, but will not hold it forever either. We close it and stand in silence for a minute. I start hearing this ticking sound, and I wonder if it's just in my head or in real life too. "Do you guys hear that too or is it just in my head?" I ask them, and they nod. "I do, I think it's coming out of these" Doc replies, and both of us get back off the ground. 

"Alright I'll open it, you pike it" Doc tells 10k, who is standing too now. He nods and they get ready to open it. When they do, nothing's there, but the sound is still there. They try the one under it. Doc opens it and a zombie jumps out, grabbing him. Before anything happens, 10k pikes it. They close the cabin with the z in again and we are quiet again. The door cracks like crazy, and we all look at it in silence. "They're coming in" The new guy says, getting really scared. But really, who isn't? Warren opens one of the empty cabins. "Get in" She tells us, and we look at her. Oh no, oh hell no. "Do we really have to" Doc sighs, before crouching down and getting into the first one. Warren opens up the next one, dead zombie. And another one, dead zombie. Then there's one for the guy. There's only two left now. "I can get in this bag if Murphy stays with me, and you two take the last ones" Warren tells 10k and I. I shake my head. "That's really not safe, take this one and 10k and I will try to fit in the last one" I tell her, and I look at 10k, who nods agreeing. "Alright kids, you two first then" She agrees, and he gets in first, before I get on top of him, hands and feet on each side of him. "Are you guys okay like that?" She asks, and we both schrug and nod. "I don't know for how long we will but I guess so" I reply, and she nods. "Good luck" She says, before closing it. There's still light coming through the gaps, luckely though. I hope we don't have to be in here for too long, my hands and legs will die. "This might take awhile, settle down" 10k tells me, and I look down at him, since my head is above his. I literally lay down on top of him, letting my arms and legs loosen. "Am I hurting you?" I ask him, I really don't want to crush him to dead in here. "I'm completely fine, we should try to sleep" He says, and I chuckle. "You can sleep anywhere can't you" I joke, and he nods and chuckles too. I do agree with him and I rest my head on his chest. After only about a minute his chest starts rising slower, meaning that he's asleep. 

Journey {Z Nation}Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя