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We drive for a few good days, nothing special to find. Just z's, everywhere.
We're taking a break on the side of the road, in the middle of a farmland. All of us are standing next to the car while Murphy is taking a bathroom break a little further. "Is anyone else concerned about him?" Doc asks us, and we nod. "Yeah, he's looking worse" Mack answers. "And he was already creepy to start of with" Warren kinda jokes. "Come on guys, give him a break. It's the apocalypse, none of us look our best" Addy speaks up. She's right though, but still, Murphy is having some unusual symptoms. "What about the bald patches" Mack says. That's right, he has some bald parts on his head, even though he shaved his hair off, it's starting to grow back now, but not on his whole head. "Maybe the vaccin is like zombie chemo" I say, and i shrug while i do. Doc nods agreeing. "Yeah or maybe that vaccine doesn't work" Mack sighs. Murphy then gets ready and turns around to us, making all of us look at him. He frowns. "What" He mutters, and we all shrug and tell him to get back into the car. 

We arrive at some base a few hours later, where CZ sent us to. We stop the car at the entrace and there's a sign hanging that says 'weapon free zone, surrender all weapons'. "Surrender all weapons, are they serious??" I say, and i look at 10k next to me. He just sighs and shrugs his shoulders. A woman comes out and points her gun at our car. "Turn around and go back to where you came from" She yells, and Garnett gets out of the car, with his hands above his head. "We're looking for Major Williams" He tells her. "And who are you?" She asks him next. "Sergeant Charles Garnett. We know each other going back pre-z" He tells her and she nods. "Wait here. Your crew stays in the car, if any of them get out, or grab a weapon, we'll fire" She explains to him, and he just nods. Someone walks inside and comes back with Major Williams. He looks at Garnett with wide eyes. "Well holy shit" He says. They chat for a second and Garnett finally lets his hands down, and so do their guns. We can't hear everything they're saying, but it looks like he got it under controll. 

They motion us that we can get out of the car, and we do so. We need to give in all of our weapons before we can get inside, so that's what we do. I give them my gun, sniper and knife and stand back. I watch 10k take multiple weapons out, even in his socks, and i smile when he gets back too. "Prepared for anything i see" I chuckle, and he does too. "Prepared for anything" He repeats. When all of us have turned in our stuff, we can get inside, and we follow the major. We walk inside and see 3 people stand outside the gate, waiting to get back in. "3 of Jacob's group are back" A woman tells the major, and he looks at them. "Major Williams! We'd like to come back. We were wrong, Jacob turned out to be some crazy sect leader" One of the 3 tells him. "We brought food" The girl says. It's 2 guys and one girl. I look at 10k and catch him looking at her. I know i know she's pretty too, but it's getting exhausting. The major tells the woman to let them in if they're clean, and starts walking again, us following closely. 

He gives us a tour of the whole base and tells us about how everything works here. He also tells us about that Jacob guy, who's saying we need to SAVE the z's, not kill them. It has something to do with his strong religion, i don't know i wasn't really paying too much attention. He then tells us we can get something to eat, and shows us. You can not believe how happy we are to see food we can finally eat. We thank him and get seated with something to eat. Then, the major tells us he has 3 rooms for each 2 people for us. The rest can sleep in the community room. "I suggest Warren and Garnett take a room, Sarah and Addy, and Doc and Murphy, 10k and I can sleep in the community room" Mack suggests us, and we all nod. We continue eating and the 3 from earlier are eating too, on the other side of the cafetaria. The girl suddenly gets up, and walks through a door. Seconds later, 10k stands up too. I look at him and frown. "I'm gonna use the restroom" He tells me, and i nod. He walks away through the same door as she went through. 

We continue eating with 10k still gone, and Garnett and Warren went to their room. Suddenly, one of those 3, one of the guys, stands on the table and starts talking. The other 2 are both gone. He has this big cross around his neck, and talks about how all of us will get another chance to hear what that Jacob guy has to say. People tell him to get down and stop, but he doesn't listen. This is not going to end well. Doc and I look at each other with an unreliable glance, then back at the guy. Suddenly, he grabs the cross around his neck and pulls a knife out of it. Everyone gets up and yells that he has a weapon. He starts saying some creepy bible verse or something from that Jacob dude, and then out of nowhere, he slits his own throat. Everyone gasps and chaos is starting to form. "He's going to turn!" A guy yells. Fuck that's right, and none of us have weapons. I run to the kitchen and grab the first fork i can see, taking some more for the rest of us since there's no knifes either smh. I run back and give them a fork, ready to attack when needed. The guy turned and starts attacking people, so everyone tries to stop him. Then, he bites someone, and starts running through the room. Everyone screams and runs away from him, and soon other people turn too. He then grabs Murphy and pushes him up agains the wall, making Murphy yell for help. I push past through all the people trying to get out and on my way there i grab a rolling pin. I slam it to the zombie's head and he falls to the ground. Murphy nods at me as a thank you and we follow the others. 

Doc yells to us to come through the door before he closes it and a z comes out of nowhere. I tell Doc to close the door but he gets through it right before he can do so, running behind them, leaving Murphy and I alone. I turn around and see that he's nowhere to be seen. Damnit. A z comes running up to me and i hit it before he can come too close, making him fall onto the floor. I run to another door, opening it carefully, but there's nothing behind it. I walk inside the hallway and try to orientate myself. Shit I should've payed more attention earlier. I walk past a corner and a z jumps out, surprising me. I fall onto the ground and have nowhere to go. It's hanging over me, only not biting me because i'm trying to keep him off. I finally push him off of me and slam my roller on his head, and just when i do so someone runs through the hallway past me, pushing me out of their way. I get pushed against the corner of the hall, and I arch my back in pain, same as my head. I fall back onto the ground and my head is pounding, making me pass out seconds later. 

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