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Both 10k and I wake up at the same time, hearing Doc and that guy talk. "Don't do it man, be calm" Doc is trying to calm him down, apparently. "2" The guy says. "Don't"  "1!" He goes again, and he kicks his cabin open. We hear him scream, yell, and die. That was the most stupid thing ever. 10K and I look at each other worried and I close my eyes trying to stay calm. "Hey it's gonna be okay. What's up?" He reassures me, and I sigh. "My stomach just really hurts, we really need some water" I just tell him, closing my eyes again because of the pain and also because I'm a tiny bit scared we are going to die in a mortuary, in a tiny cabin, on top of each other, but ok. "I know and we will, just try to breathe, I think they already stopped chewing on that guy so they will probably leave soon" He keeps telling me, and I nod. "Thank you" I just say, placing my head on his chest again. When i do so, 10k moves his arm and gently starts stroking my back. This obviously calms me down really well, making me take a really long breath.

Our cabin opens up, making the two of us wake up to see everyone looking at us. "Good morning to you two, did you really sleep in there?" Doc laughs, and both of us nod, kinda embarrassed. We climb out of there and see Murphy standing there with food and WATER. "WATER??" I surprisingly screech, grabbing the big jug out of his hands. I drink some of it and then hand it to 10k, knowing he needs it too. We sit down to snack on the food he brought and just talk about how Murphy found all of this. "You know Murphy, I really like pizza" I jokingly say, and they all laugh. "You are one greedy bastard you know that right" He laughs back at me, and I nod, agreeing with him. 10k starts rambling about Murphy and how he did this and we look at him a little shocked. Him and Murphy high-five and Doc looks at him. "10k are you good my boy? That's the most words I have ever heard coming out of your sound hole!" He tells him, and we all laugh and agree with him though. We're all just so happy to have food and water, and to not dying of course. Warren raises her bag of goldfish. "To Murphy. You may be the mission, but today you became our friend" She says, and toasts to it. "Cheers" We all say, and Murphy smiles. SMILES. Today is a special day I suppose. 

It's several days later, and CZ told us to get to some underground base. There would be food, water and a guy to help us. We are walking through the hallways and stumble upon... Addy and Mack. "Addy!!" I screech in excitement, and she does the same. We hug each other and all the others do the same. "Did CZ send you guys?" Warren asks them, and they both nod. We continue on searching together, and eventually find the right room. The guy we were supposed to meet, is dead. He shot himself through the head. There's a TV, and CZ connects to it, so now we can both see each other. We tell him hi and have a little chat, since it's the first time we can actually see him. He tells us where we can find the food and we say goodbye again. We get the water and food and get out of there again, finally all of us together again. We can't fit in the car anymore, so Addy and Mack take the trunk, and I sit down in between Murphy and 10k. We get driving again, finally.

It's days later, and we are driving on a road in the middle of nowhere. Murphy has fallen asleep and his head is resting on my shoulder, same for 10k on my other one. "Woah Warren slow down, it's a kid" Addy yells from the trunk, and I look out the window, indeed seeing a little boy all on his own in the middle of the road. She stops the car and gets out, walking up to the kid. Both 10k and Murphy have woken up now, noticing how they were passed out on me, but I just laugh it off. Warren talks to him a little and gives him some water. They made an agreement , if he brings us to food, we bring him to Salt Lake City, where he was planning to go. It's far off our path though, but we really really need the food. The kid gets in the trunk with Addy and Mack, and tells us which direction to go, so Warren starts driving again. 

About 30 minutes later, we arrive at some kind of base, pretty good secured if you'd ask me. "It's here" The kid says, and we thank him. "Mack do you wanna check it out?" Warren asks him, and he nods and gets out, walking in front of the car. "Get back in the truck!" We hear someone yell at him, and we look around to see where it's coming from. Up on a little hill are women with guns, all pointing at him. "It's okay, we're friendly. We jus-" Mack reassures them, but they shoot at the ground, right next to his feet. They do it a second time before he runs back into the car. Then, Warren gets out. "Stop, don't shoot!" She says, holding her hands up. When she tells them we have the boy, they open the gate, and a tall woman steps out, looks like their leader or so. 
She tells Sam, the boy, to get inside, and he does as told. Addy gets out of the car as well, using Doc to keep balance, since her leg is injured. "What's wrong with you?" The woman asks, looking at her leg. "Infected" Addy replies. "Oh, that could be dangerous. My name is Helen. You arrived at the Sisters Of Mercy. We can help you" She tells them, and Murphy says something in his daily arrogant tone. "You don't have to stay" the Helen woman says. "Yes he does, we're a team" Warren tells her. "Team or not, you'll have to split up. Women and children only." She seriously says. We all widen our eyes, really, no men? We are very confused about this, but Addy really needs to get checked and we also need food. We all look at each other and nod, we have a tent where the guys can stay in for tonight. Only one night. "Okay, thank you" Warren agrees, and they let us, the girls, inside. Almost through the gate, i make Warren stop for a second. "I'm staying here, something seems off" I tell her, and she nods, telling me they'll be back tomorrow morning. I turn back to the truck where the guys are standing, and they look at me with a frown. "Something is definitely off, if anything goes wrong, I can still get inside, you won't" I explain to them, and they understand. We set up the tent and sit there for awhile. 

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