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Hi, my name is Sarah, and I'm currently 17 years old, living in New York. That's kind of weird to start off with, since at this moment there has been a zombie apocalypse for 2 years already. So yes, i am still alive. I live in a villa that we have used as our place since the start. I'm saying we, because there was a whole group with me at first. My mom, dad, older brother and 2 of my brother's friends all lived here together for almost 2 years. All of them are dead now. A few months ago my mom, dad and brother went outside to go to the store nearby, just to check if there were any leftover things. We have a whole bunker with food down here but you never know what you can find. There was a whole ass wave of zombies all of the sudden, and the 2 guys I ended up with, went to go look if they were okay after the wave was over. They never returned. I'm doing pretty good on my own not gonna lie, but i'm getting kinda lonely. I have a few weapons which i learned to use. I love my regular gun the most though. I have a few knives here and a sniper. 

At this moment there are still a lot of people in New York, since doctor Merch is making the vaccine here. Someone said she'll be testing it soon on some people, but to be honest i don't think anyone actually would volunteer for that. It's scary though anything could go wrong. I'm sitting upstairs by the window just looking at all the zombies walk by, and i can see the lab a few blocks away. Suddenly, i hear a lot ( and when i say a lot i mean a LOT ) of gunshots and i look over to were they came from, indeed, the lab. I don't think i have ever seen so many z's at one place, all around the building. I just sit and watch for a long time, i can't really do anything, everyone is inside and i can't handle all of those outside on my own. But they will get inside soon, everyone knows that i suppose. I can see a helicopter taking doctor Merch away through the roof. You can't tell me she's the only survivor in that whole building, you just can't. 

All the loud gunshots and the helicopter have attracted even more z's, and the streets are starting to get overwhelmed with them. They are soon gonna be around my house too. I have kept them out until now, but this many, i won't be able too. It's the kind of fast z's which are way more agressive too, they'll just burst through my door. If they come too close, i will have to leave. Which makes me stand up and walk to the basement where all the food and such is. I start packing a backpack. If they get here i have to be prepared. I get as many food as i can carry, water, a knive, my gun and all my bullets. I swing my sniper around me and get back upstairs. Looking out of my window i see z's coming into my street. They are with too many. If i'd leave right now, i can outrun them easily, they maybe wont even see me. I make sure i have everything and open the back door, stepping out of the house. I start running into the woods, the opposide way of where all the z's are coming from. I quickly get to a road going through the woods and decide to follow it. Maybe a car passes by, or anything. 

I walk for what feels like hours, having to kill z's every once in awhile. I am facing a problem though, it's starting to get dark and i don't see an end to these woods yet. I can not be out here at night, that would be bad. I finally get to a small town, and luckely i don't see too much z's. I find myself a safe house to stay at tonight and settle down, finally getting some rest. 

Days pass by, and no i don't have any idea where i'm going. I suppose i'm hoping to find some people who i can stay with. I have passed a few, but they werent people i would stay with, they were kinda creepy. I'm just walking my way west until i get an idea of what to do, i guess. 

I'm walking through a forest again, and I suddenly turn around quickly. Please tell me that's a car i hear right now. Yes it is, it drives around the corner of the road slowly and comes into my direction. I sign to them to stop and they slow down, stopping right next to me. The car is packed with people, and the guy in the passenger seat rolls down his window. "Want a ride?" He asks me, and i smile thankfull and nod. "I have no idea where i'm going though, but i'd love to, it's getting dark soon" I answer him, and he nods, and a girl in the back opens her car door and steps out. "I'm Addy, and this is Mack" She tell me nicely, and motions to the guy who is now standing next to her. "Sarah, nice to meet you" I tell them my name too. "Mack and I will go in the trunk with Garnett over there, you should get some rest, you look really tired and we still have to drive for maybe an hour" Addy tells me, and i smile slightly at her. "Thank you so much" I say, also nodding friendly to the guy already in the trunk. Then i get into the car. Another guy is sitting in the back, not looking too good. He's sleeping though, or at least pretending to. In the drivers seat is a woman, who turns to look at me. "My name's Roberta Warren, and this is Doc. That's Murphy. I suggest we drive to the next safe town and get to know each other better when we get there" She explains to me, and i tell them my name too and tell them that's fine. Doc tells me i should get some sleep so that's what i do. I am so happy i finally found some genuine nice people.

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