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Early in the morning, we get to a food place. At least, it was a food place before the apocalypse. Addy tells us she can maybe get a radio sign through the machine. After some time of trying she finally gets it working. Garnett starts talking hoping that CZ answers. Which he does. Apparently he can even see us through the camera, and we talk for awhile. "We need some alternative transport, like an airplane or something" Garnett tells CZ, who tells us there's one thing. It's about 100 miles south, wich is not really the way we are taking, west. "Puppies and kittens!" Warren yells, making Murphy and us stop discussing what we'll do. We quickly tell CZ goodbye and get back into the car before driving away again. 

A few hours later we arrive at the building, where we see a lot of dead people laying outside. We get out of the car in front of the building and walk up to it. "Woah who's this" A man yells, pointing his gun at us. "Sergeant Charles Garnet sir. This is Roberta Warren-" He gets interrupted before he can finish. "What's your bussiness" He says. "We're on a mission to bring this man to a CDC lab in California. We were sent here for transport, there was told you guys have a helicopter" Garnett explains to him. "Yes he does, but he's a very busy man. I suggest you move on" He simply says, making Warren step forward. "Listen, Sir. This man has important information about a vaccin for the zombie virus" She tells him, kinda irritated. The man comes closer to us, still pointing his gun. "You want to see the general, you'll have to prove that you're serious" He tells us. Garnett asks him what he wants us to do, and he tells us they need antibiotics, and painkillers. All of us turn to Doc, making him look at us surprised. He gets his bag out and starts naming all the stuff he got. He stops for a second before saying his last thing, oxy. "Yeah oxy, we need oxy" The man says, making Doc sigh. He gives him a few, and the man just takes it all in his mouth and swallows them. "Hey!" Doc says, before looking behind him to all of us. "He will see you guys now" The man then finally says, and i shake my head in dissapointment before we follow him. 

We talk to the general through a camera, and he tells us he needs a doctor for someone, so only Doc can go inside. "Good luck, Doc" I tell him, and he thankfully smiles at me before going inside. 

While we wait for Doc, more and more z's are coming towards us, and even though we kill them, they keep coming. "If we don't get out of here soon it's gonna get ugly" Mack tells us, and we all agree. I then hear something, like someone yelling but it sounds like an echo. "Hey guys do you hear that?" I ask them, and they look up at me. "Hear what?" Warren asks. I tell them to listen closely. "Sounds like Doc" Mack says, when we hear it more clearly. "Yes it is, but where the hell is he?" Warren goes. "I don't know but somewhere upstairs" I answer, and she nods. "Alright we're going in" Garnett says, stepping forward. "No you don't" The man from earlier tells him, and Garnett points his gun to his head. "We are going in right now or i'm going to shoot your brains out" He tells him, and keeps his gun to his head. The man gets the door open and Garnett turns around to us. "Sarah, 10k, you guys cover us. Let no one follow us inside" He says to me and 10k, and we both nod agreeing and take a spot in the trunk while getting both of our snipers ready. 

They get inside and 10k starts killing z's from a pretty far distance, counting every single one of them. I let him take his moment to make more kills and look at his concentrated face. His eyes are really pretty. He then looks at me in the corner of his eyes and smiles. I just smile back and look into another direction. 

After what felt like forever all of them return, so we turn to them. Then, i notice Doc isn't with them. Please don't tell me he didn't make it, please don't. 10k and i look at each other with a worried expression. "What happened to Doc?" We both say at the same time, and Warren comes up to us while the others get everything back in the car. "He didn't make it" She sighs, and we stare at her in disbelieve. I really can't believe this. Really? "Zombies" Addy says, making all of us turn around. I frown and so do all of the others. "Is that, Doc?" Mack says, pointing to the z coming up to us. He looks like hell, no offence ofcouse. "Someone has to..." Garnett says, talking about giving him mercy ofcourse. "I'll do" Warren says, stepping forward while pulling her gun out. "I give you mercy" She slowly says, getting her gun up. I look at 10k and see him looking down, not wanting to see that. When she's about to shoot, i look away too. The gunshot sounded like she missed, which she did. Doc jumps out of the way. "What the hell Warren are you trying to kill me??" He says, making all of us look up with wide eyes. I jump out of the trunk and run op to him, giving him something to wipe the blood and stuff out of his face. He explains to us what happened and we get back into the car. I sit next to Doc and Murphy in the back. "Glad you're alive buddy" I tell him, patting his back. "Me too kid, me too" He says back.

We're listening to the radio of CZ while driving away, and he's playing music, surprisingly. "This song is for Addison Carver" He says, and we all look at her, making her facepalm. Mack smirks at her and laughs. "I talked to the guy TWICE" She rolls her eyes and laughs too. We just laugh along and listen to the songs he playes, while we drive to our next destinasion. 

We switched places in the car and Doc, 10k and I are sitting in the trunk. After talking for a little while, we start talking about the first few days of the apocalypse. 10k told us he had to mercy his dad, and that it was his first kill. I feel so so bad for him i could never imagine having to do that. It almost made me tear up, i could tell he had a really strong bond with his dad. Doc and i tell him we're sorry to hear that and we go on talking. 10k isn't really a big talker, so it's mostly Doc and I, but he's listening. 

Journey {Z Nation}Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum