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Acacia was on the phone with one of her clients when she heard a knock on the door

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Acacia was on the phone with one of her clients when she heard a knock on the door. She was in the middle of taking notes when she gestured for the person that was standing at the doorway to come inside.

He walked in and looked around her office; it was his first time being in there. It had the same type of furniture as Ryann's office, but Acacia had personalized it with pictures that were displayed in picture frames and her law degree that hung on the wall.

When Acacia finally looked up from her notes she was faced with none other other than Carson; he was the last person that she would've expected to be there right now. She had just texted him earlier that day and he didn't give her any indication that he would be stopping by.

Acacia's confused look on her face quickly made way for an excited one; she was happy to see him. The two were both busy with work majority of the time, but they still made time to talk or text each other every day.

It had been a little over a week since Acacia joined Carson at the children's hospital and she hadn't seen him face-to-face ever since.

Carson made sure to send her a good morning text everyday and he also made sure that he checked up on her throughout the day. Even though he was pretty busy, he always made sure to make her a priority and she definitely appreciated that. Acacia didn't want to fall for him, but Carson was making it hard for her not to.

Carson proceeded to hand her the bouquet of pink peonies that he had been hiding behind his back. Acacia had told him those were her favorite flowers; she loved roses too, but pink peonies were her absolute favorite.

"Awhhh, Carson you shouldn't have," she stated and proceeded to walk up to him; he met her halfway. She wrapped her arms around his neck and gave him a kiss on the cheek.

"You didn't tell me that you would be coming by," Acacia stated as she made her way back to her desk. She placed the flowers on the edge of the table and made a mental note that she had to put them in water.

"I was in the neighborhood and thought lemme just come through." He came up with an excuse. His visit was meant to be a surprise anyway. Carson felt like it had been too long since they saw each other so he made time to come see her.

"Come hang out with me. I promise I won't take up too much of your time," Carson suggested. He knew that they wouldn't have much time to spend with each other because she had to get back to work, but he hoped that they could at least spend an hour or two together.

The two were interrupted before Acacia could give him a proper answer.

"Acacia, have you gone out for lunch yet?" Both Carson and Acacia turned their attention to the door as soon as they heard Bradley's voice.

"Sorry, I didn't know that you were busy," Bradley stated.

The two men sized each other up, before Acacia introduced the two to each other.

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