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Acacia excused herself from the table and made a beeline to the ladies room so she could text Serenity without it being too obvious

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Acacia excused herself from the table and made a beeline to the ladies room so she could text Serenity without it being too obvious. They discussed what their best exit strategy should be; both wanting to leave the party as soon as possible.

Acacia stored her phone back into her mini Bottega Veneta pouch after the two made a plan. She finished washing her hands and was about to leave when someone came in.

Unfortunately she didn't read Serenity's last text message in time warning her about Tiffany's impending arrival and the two came face to face.

"Do you know who I am?" Tiffany spoke.

Sadly I do.

Acacia feigned ignorance and denied knowing her. In some way she wasn't really lying either, because she didn't really know her, she only knew of her.

"I'm Carson's ex."

That's not what I heard, but okay.

"Oh-kay." Acacia said matter of factly while she tried to walk past Tiffany.

"I'm just coming to you as a woman. I don't want any problems with you."

Acacia knew that nothing good came from that statement and proceeded to walk away.

"But I think you should know what type of man you're dealing with..." Tiffany called out.

"What is it that you really want? Money, clout, attention?" Acacia wondered out loud while she turned around to face her.

"I don't know what type of information he's been feeding you, but I'm not the bad guy. I just want the truth to come out."

"He makes it seem like what we had didn't mean anything. That it was just sex and nothing else, but that couldn't be further from the truth. I've got text messages that tell a different story."

"I mean... do you buy someone you're just fucking lavish gifts?" Tiffany asked rhetorically.

"We've got matching bracelets," she revealed while she showed off her wrist that was adorned with a gold Alhambra bracelet.

This made Acacia think back to all of the pieces of jewelry she'd seen Carson wear throughout the months.

It couldn't be or could it?

Carson owned a lot of jewelry so it wasn't clear if he owned a similar pair, but it looked mighty familiar.

"I'm sure he's treating you like you're the only girl in the world. He'll make you feel special and gets you all roped up until he switches up on you and moves on to the next. That's his MO, that's what he does. You're not his first victim and definitely won't be the last."

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