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Acacia was on a FaceTime call with Carson while she finished getting ready for her plans tonight

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Acacia was on a FaceTime call with Carson while she finished getting ready for her plans tonight.

She had the phone propped up on of the candles on the bathroom counter so that her hands could remain free.

"What are you up to?" Acacia asked while she wrapped a piece of hair around her 22Titania flat iron. She could hear commotion in the background.

"Darren and Trevon are here," Carson said while he looked back at them from where he was laying on the couch. He motioned towards his phone letting them know that he was talking to someone. They were being very loud and acting like some bad ass kids.

Acacia was shocked when Carson told her that him and his brother had reconciled. They seemed so close so she was surprised to hear that they hadn't been on speaking terms for so long.

From the outside looking in they seemed fine. She could vividly remember seeing Darren in the interview that she watched and he spoke glowingly about his little brother.

Carson had shown her pictures from when they were younger and they seemed like two peas in a pod. She would've never guessed that they had a falling out, but she was glad to hear that they talked it out.

"We don't know if we're gonna go out or just stay here for the night," Carson stated while he turned his attention back to her.

Carson and Acacia had been going from strength to strength. They had gone on a couple of lowkey dates after their talk a few weeks ago.

"Hey sis," Trevon said while he came into view of the camera.

"Hi Trev. How are you doing?" She asked while she waved at him.

"I can't believe that you're still talking to this bum right here," he said while he pointed at Carson.

"Get your hating ass on," Carson replied while he playfully pushed Trevon out of the frame.

"Where are you going again?" He asked while he sat up.

"I'm going out for drinks with a few of my coworkers, remember?" She said while she curled the last section of hair and proceeded to unplug the curling iron.

Carson remembered that she mentioned something like that, but it slipped his mind until she reminded him just now.

Acacia sprayed some Color Wow hairspray on her locks to protect it from humidity and to add some shine as well. Lastly she fluffed her curls out to achieve more volume.

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