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Acacia rolled over and laid down on her back while she stretched out her arms

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Acacia rolled over and laid down on her back while she stretched out her arms. She had finally awoken after a good night of sleep; she hadn't slept this well in a while.

She turned around expecting to see Carson laying beside her, but she was met with nothing but darkness; the room was pitch black.

"Carson," Acacia called out while she felt around the bed, but she noticed that his side of the bed was empty.

"Why is it so dark in here?" Acacia said out loud.

Then she remembered that there were table lamps on the nightstands. She felt around some more and managed to switch on the light, allowing for some much needed brightness to shine through. It took Acacia a minute for her to get adjusted to the light. She began to wonder where Carson could be.

When she took a closer look at the nightstand she finally noticed that her purse was sitting atop of the piece of furniture. She figured that he put it there.

Acacia picked up her purse and retrieved her phone out of her bag so she could check the time. That's when she noticed that it was almost noon. She hadn't even noticed that she had slept in for so long. Normally she was an early riser even on her off days.

Acacia proceeded to check her messages and saw that Carson had texted her. He wanted to let her know that he was attending a teammeeting at the Giants training facility. He also informed her that his chef had prepared breakfast and that she could use any of the amenities in the home.

She was in the middle of answering Carson's text message when she received his FaceTime request; he always had impeccable timing.

"Hey, sleepy head," he said as soon as she accepted the video call.

"What's with the black screen?" Carson asked when he noticed that he couldn't see her face.

"I look crazy right now." Acacia was convinced that her hair looked a mess and she hadn't had the chance to freshen up yet, so she didn't feel comfortable being on camera.

"C'mon, I don't care about that. I wanna see your pretty face." His comment made her cheeks warm up a little.

"I'm sorry, but it's not gonna happen. Maybe later when I get the chance to shower. Why didn't you wake me up before you left? I didn't even know it was this late already."

"You looked so peaceful sleeping when I left, so I didn't want to wake you." Carson couldn't help but stare at her while she laid in his bed. She even looked beautiful while she was asleep. He didn't want her to think that he was being a weirdo, so he didn't let her know.

Carson proceeded to tell her to relax and enjoy her free day. Obviously her body was telling her that she needed to rest.

"You looked good sleeping in my bed. I could get used to it," he concluded. Which made Acacia blush involuntarily. She could get used to it as well if she was being honest.

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