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Carson was about to leave the room when Malcolm came walking in with a brown manilla folder in hand

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Carson was about to leave the room when Malcolm came walking in with a brown manilla folder in hand.

"I went ahead and did a background check on Acacia. Before you start... I know you told me to leave it alone, but I really think you should read this."

"Why would you do it anyway when I already told you not to?" Carson asked Malcolm rhetorically.

He didn't appreciate Malcolm going behind his back when he explicitly told him to refrain from doing any research on Acacia. Carson felt like if there was something that he needed to know she would eventually tell him herself.

"I'm sorry to interrupt you guys, but Darren is here. He's waiting for you in the formal living room," Valerie stated while she popped her head into his office.

"Please, tell him I'll be right there."

Darren flaked on Carson the last time he told him that he would come over so he was surprised to hear that he showed up today.

"We'll talk about this later." Carson stated when he turned his attention back to Malcolm.

While Carson left his office Malcolm decided to store the folder in Carson's desk drawer. Malcolm was hoping that his curiosity would get the best of him and that he would end up reading the documents anyway.

Carson made his way downstairs and like Valerie instructed he made his way over to the living room area and just like she said Darren was indeed there; he was seated on one of the couches.

As soon as Darren saw him he stood up and the two dapped each other up quickly before they started their much needed conversation.

"I feel like we've been on the outs for far too long and it's time for us to talk shit out," Darren started.

Carson didn't have a problem with him. It was the other way around as far as he was concerned.

"Momma put you up to this?" Carson asked while he took a seat across from him.

"She may have hinted at it, but it was my idea to do this," Darren replied while he moved to the edge of his seat getting ready to start his spiel.

Henrietta didn't like the fact that they weren't on speaking terms one bit. Carson and Darren would fake act like everything was just fine when they were around the rest of the family, but everyone knew that it was a façade and that they were putting up an act.

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