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A gentle tap on your shoulder woke you up from your deep sleep. Even after the fast turn of event, you still manage to to fell asleep while in deep thought.

"Madam Lin?" You mumbled.

"Get ready, you'll be picked up within an hour." She said and left the room.

Picked up? Who and why? With questions inside your mind, you did as madam lin told you.

You took a morning shower. Dressed up with whatever was on the cabinet and did a light make up. Not too long, a knock was heard inside your room.

You opened your door only to see the man you wanted to avoid yesterday. He was leaning on the wall opposite your door.

"Oh, you're ready." He said.

"Madam lin told me to get ready because someone will pick me up."

He just smiled and walked toward you. As he approaches, you took a step backward to keep distance. He got into the room and closed the door locking it. You felt nervous when you heard the click sound of the lock.

Izana caught your wrist and pulled you toward him. You resisted and pushed him. This made him unamused.

"Oh what kind of change of weather is this? Last night you were so into me." He raised a brow.

"Don't get me wrong! Sir. I was just doing my job! A job that I don't really want to do."

He suddenly laughed.

"What's funny?"

"Well~ If that's a job you don't want to do then thank me."

"What? Why?" You asked confused.

"I bought you from Madam Lin. You're mine now."

You felt your heart stopped beating for a while. He pulled you once again and you were not able to resist. His one hand held your chin and he gave you a possessive kiss.

This is just a dream. No. You just want to convince yourself whatever happening right now is not true.

When you got back from your trance, Izana was already hovered above you on the bed. His soft lips trailing down on your neck.

"How much?" You mumbled softly.

"What?" He stopped and looked at you.

Your eyes met his purple orb. "How much did you bought me? I'll pay you. Just set me free."

Izana suddenly cracked up. "How could a poor woman like you pay me back?"

"I'll stop my study and work---"

"Naah. Y/n. You're such a naive woman. You won't be able to pay me back by just working your ass out normally."

"How much?"

"¥10,000,000. "

You felt devastated your tears welled up on the corner of your eyes. There's no way you could pay that.

"Oh. How about this?" He got off of you and took his wallet. He pulled out a ¥100,000 and tossed it on you. "I'd pay you every i fuck you. Sounds good right?"

You weren't able to suppress your emotion and started wailing. He got above you again burying his face on your neck.

"Don't worry y/n. I'd be very very very gentle with you~" he huskily whispered.

Working in the club was way better than being owned by someone. Things turned to worse.

Now, you have to sell your body to this devil until you save up the money you need for tour freedom.


A/n: umm, i'm semi back. Lol

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