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Monday morning and it's uncrowded as usual. Such a peaceful day you thought to yourself while watering the plants outside the cafe. Not until a man whom you should avoid came.

He casually greeted you. Not knowing how you should act, you just did greet back but tried to avoid looking in his eye. He's a customer so you have to treat him well. You went back the counter to take his order and he followed you.

Mikey noticed your awkwardness and knew that maybe it's because of Izana so he just let it pass. After ordering he took a seat and watched you all along as you prepared his food and drink.

As you finished preparing his order, you served it to his seat. Caught off guarded, he grabbed your wrist after you placed everything on the table.

"Is there anything else i could help?" You asked with a smile.

Mikey heaved a sigh. "Are you being watched or you're avoiding me purposely?"

"I'm not avoiding you. It's just that..."

The door of the cafe suddenly open.


He saw you being held by Mikey.

Kakucho walked toward the table. "What do you think you're doing Mikey?" He pulled you away from his grasp and hid you behind him.

Mikey chuckled. " I knew it she's being watched."

"She's not. I'm just here to grab some coffee before i pick Izana."

The atmosphere is getting heavier and you felt that a fight is about to break.

"Kakucho, it's just a misunderstanding. He just held my wrist because i forgot to add some extra maple syrup on his pancakes. Right? Mikey?" You look straight in his eyes hoping he would ride along your lie.

He was not dumb and did not disappointed you. " yeah, i just stopped her to ask for an extra syrup."

You ran toward the counter to prepare Kakucho's usual coffee. He settled himself on other table as he waits for his order.

"Kaku." You went to his table and placed his drink. " This might be too much to ask, but... can you not tell Izana that Mikey touched me?"

"And why is that?"

"I don't want him to overthink again... That's all." You said in an almost inaudible voice.

Kakucho smiled and gave you a pat on your head. "I get it. You can go back to your work. I'll keep it a secret."

You smiled and went back doing your work.

Mikey's eyes were set on you the whole time.

As Izana had those feeling of envy toward Mikey, this goes the same for Mikey. He wants to have something he could call his own. Sibling rivalry it is.


Your shift ended swiftly without any trouble. You got chauffeured back home by Izana's subordinate.

The usual. You went to his room to tell him you're back. He was scrolling on his ipad as he drink some whiskey.

"I'm home..." you sat beside him and gave him a peck on his cheek.

"How was your day?" He pulled you closer toward him.

"It was okay. I wish I could work more. But on the other hand, i love how i come home and spend time together with you. Do i sound cringy?"

Izana chuckled softly. " Did you ate something weird? You're unusually sweet today."

"Don't you like it?" You asked with a pout.

"I love it... and it's tempting me." His eyes were mellow it makes your heart skip beat.

Izana's phone suddenly beeped and he checked his notifs. He smiled.

"Y/n. Get your things ready." He said.

"Things?" You asked confused.

"I'm taking you on a vacation."

A wide smile was plastered on your face. Vacation is something you weren't able to afford as a struggling poor international student. All you did was juggle work and studies.

You stood up abruptly and ran toward your room. Izana watched how excited you are. He's guilty. He ruined an innocent woman for the sake of his own lust. He forcibly kept you by his side. The supposed toy he bought had gave him a feeling of warmth.

Damn, you became a precious flower in his life. Pretty, colorful... and yet, FRAGILE.

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