Chapter 5: Family Reunion

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"Wake up, Beck." Nicholas tried to wake me up from my peaceful dream.

"N-no."I groaned.

"Becca, you have 30 minutes to dress up and do whatever you desire. Up,now, or I should tan the backside of yours."He said threateningly.

It made me wake up instantly.

"I'm up!"

I rushed to my bathroom.

Cold water makes my bum to be less sore.

After done showering, I blow dried my hair. My perfect curls are always perfect, so I just used the hair products to keep my hair healthy.

I used a natural shadow light make-up.

What dress tonight people?

Hmm. Strapless? No, I'm not going to dress to be a slut.

I finally used an elegant classy electric blue dress that matched my eyes.

I headed downstairs to see they're already there sitting.

"Always late Rebecca?" Dad said sarcastically.

Sean gave me a look not to argue.

"Sorry sir."

I sat beside Edward.

Edward is the less stricter than the others as he's just like 5 years older than me.

"Rebecca, how's school?"Mom asked.

"Fine, mom."

"Grades? Sean, you always keep an eye on her grades right?" Dad asked.

"I'm the ones who was in charge when Sean was in France, dad. Yeah, she kinda do well in school."

Nicholas answered.

Kinda?! Do you want me to get spanked again because of not having an at least B grade?

"Kinda? what did you get on Sean's subject?" Dad asked.

Uh. D. I can't do maths especially trigonometry and such you know. I'm not born to be an Einstein!

"Dad, it's a family reunion! We should discuss about happy things!"I exclaimed.

"Don't you dare to raise your voice at me, young lady." Dad warned.

"Sorry."I mumbled.

"What did you get, Rebecca?"

"D, dad. I'm not good in that subject."

"I'll do extra class with you, Rebecca." Sean declared.

Dad seems like taken aback for a while, but recovered because Sean managed to handle me.

I sighed in relief.

"You failed in test again, Rebecca, try me, you won't be sitting next month."Sean said sternly.

"Yes sir."

So this is how the dinner goes.

Lectures about grades, rules, regulations.

I'd rather go to Camille's house by now.

"Sean? May I be excused? I need to go to Camille's. Maybe I could crash there? Got so much homework."I said with my puppy dog eyes.

"Fine. See you toms."

Yay! Freedom at last!


Gwhello people! Hope you like this chapter!(; sorry if it's boring lol

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