Chapter 25 : Welcome Back, Phone!

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You know the feeling when time seems to rush when you didn't want it to? Nah, that's what I'm feeling right now. The bell rang and it's the end of the first block and now I'm going to face the wrath of the monster's minion which is Elliot Wales, the hot monster? Nah, I'm talking like Spencer but yeah, I should admit he got some killer abs and he's absolute hot but he's still a douche for taking my phone.

"You realized that you're ten minutes late right?" He said emphasizing the ten.

Thank you Captain Obvious.

"I'm sorry."Spencer apologized sincerely while me saying nada.

"It's okay, you're dismissed, I'll give you a free pass for today."He said directly to her. That means, not a free pass for me.

Spencer shot me a look to apologize to him but nah, pass. I have a better excuse to make him give me a free pass.

"What's your excuse? It better be good."He said cocking his eyebrow and fold his arms.

"I have an accident. Just look at my legs!"

"Walking from school huh?"He shot me his famous smirk.

"S-sorta."I stammered.

"Then it's your own fault."

"I'm sorry, but please? Could I get my phone back?"I need to get to that point fast and I don't need someone lecturing me because  I guaranteed I would get that lecture soon.

He fished out my baby from his pocket.

"You mean this?"He acts innocently.

I snatched it fast, shouting a thanks and got out from the class.

I pumped my fist like I've won some kind of lottery. But hey! Who cares! I got my phone back!

I turned it on and texts rushed to come in. Ignoring texts from my friends, two messages from an unknown number flashed at my phone.

Opening the first one.

"I know you got your phone back, congratulations for that. Yours, C."

C? AS IN CHRISTIAN HOLMES?! OH MY GOD! I squealed like a fangirl after attending some 1d concert.

But where did you get my number, Mr Starbucks and know what I am doing?

I opened the next message.

"But if you're mine, I won't let you slide if you talked that way to me. Annoyed friend, C."

Fuck, is he a stalker or something? Oh God.

"Where did you get my number? Are you a stalker?" I quickly pressed send, not bothering to reread the text.

WOW, that guy replies fast.

"No, Connections. I need to get some work done, c u later. Yours, C."

I kinda get creeped out. I turned my head around to see if there's some kind of spies spying me in an all black clothes. But I see nada.

Maybe that's such a coincidence that he lived in my neighbourhood and heard my "conversation" with Sean. Because I'm shouting like a lunatic at that time.I should have lower my tone, urgh. Idiot me. But the fortunate thing that happens? I got the hottie number and have a free period!Cheers to that. So, I managed to go to the clinic. I need to bandage my leg.

The nurse did it quickly although it stings when she cleaned my cuts but I keep thinking about Christian so I don't remember much about the stinging feeling.

I have an hour free with no friends. Yep, Victoria is at a health class, Vanessa is at a history class while Spencer and Jacqueline is at a maths class with Sean.

Camille! She should also have a free period. I know where she always go to when we have the same free period. A special bar who serves the best mojito. Sean and the boys will kill me if they knew I go here in my spare time. I need to go there fast. Cab?

I called a cab and it hauled at the school grounds. I quickly got inside and gave the driver directions.

See, Like what I said, Cam is there.

"Cams." I said and taking a seat beside her at the bar stool.

"You shouldn't have came."She said gloomily. God, I missed her.

"I miss you, why did you do this to me?" I said, hurt.

"You might not believe this, but I'm going to explain. I actually wanted to explain this to you but you left school early so I got some note to Spence for you not to give up on me. Yeah, I know that's sort of lame note."She chuckled.

"So, yeah, Farrah knew about you and Sean, she blackmailed me using that. I'm going to tell you that instant. But, Farrah also knew something that I can't tell you, cause if I told you that, you're going to hate me forever." She said, almost tearing up because of the last part. But calmed down once she gulped her strawberry mojito.

"Cams, I won't hate you. I promise! Just tell me. I can't lose you." I plead.

"I sort of liked Aaron."

"A-Aaron Parker?"I choked out.

She nodded and lowers her head.

Oh my god. Aaron Parker is my ex in the very past. I cried the whole night because he dumped me after our fifth month anniversary. That's a bit unexpected and he claimed that he got a new hot girl and didn't want me again. Thank God, I'm still a virgin and didn't give him anything except a kiss.

"Cam, I won't hate you because you like him! He's just my past and I'm the idiot innocent girl who fall to his charms!"

I said while hugging her.

"So, we're cool?"She asked me.

"Of course." I said while smiling through tears.

We hugged for a long time. God, I missed her and her crazy ways.

She ordered me a glass of my favourite mojito and will pay for it cause it's for our celebration.

Celebrating my phone and our friendship. But I still need a few works to be done.

1. Telling Sean

2. Explain to the girls.


Yeah, he's a sort of mystery with dark secrets surrounding his aura.

Me and Cam having a good time again feels so good.

I officially announced. "Welcome back, Cam and Whitey."

P.S: it's my phone name;)

My superstrict brothersDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora