Chapter 16 : Something Gone Probably Wrong.

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Thanks to the cute pink notebook.

So, we do still have da second thing.

This isn't the first time me and Camille arguing so there musn't be a big deal right? But yeah, the biggie thing is that I didn't have any sort of gadget that could connect me with her. Remember that hot bastard Elliot Wales confiscated my phone and the fact that mean Sean still have my iPod and other stuffs. Yeah. I'm not going to be such a whiny brat but I already considered Camille as my twin sister that I never ever had.  I don't want our relationship to be ruined just because of my fever and bad timing.

Talking about fever. I still have a major headache and it's killing me to think something properly.

First thing that came into my mind that I could borrow Sean's phone to contact Cam, but I didn't even remember her number and Sean probably kill me first before letting me to borrow his. Wondering, maybe he had a secret girlfriend and didn't want me to know.

Talking about dating, no, it's not about me and Luke, we're O-V-E-R, OVER. It's about Sean, he ever once brought his gold-digging bitchie girlfriend here before he went to France. Her name? Hmm, Carla or something? Yeah, just pretend that it's Carla cause I forgot that woman.

My brain tends to forget something that is totally un-important.

They've been dating for awhile and when she knew that I'm just a baggage and a burden, she dumped Sean over. Of course she did that after she asked Sean for things, example? designer things of course and after she went bitch slapping me. Don't worry I'm not letting her have a victory like that. I stood up for myself, cause there's no one who will save me but myself,  and in the end I broke her nose and a black eye from my super-power punch! The most un-fortunate part is Sean still need to punish me. Quote from him, Violence is still not the answer. Is he completely out of mind?urgh, seems like he needs to contact some psychologist or something that related to craziness theraphy.

And now, here it is Spencer and Victoria barged into my room and made me wake-up from my day dream and became conscious of the present time.

"EARTH TO BEX!" Victoria snapped to me.

No need to be cranky, Vic. Just her who tends to call me Bex.

"Yeah, yeah, vas happenin'?" I asked them.

"Did you have fight with Camille?" Spencer asked me while plopping herself at my ultra-soft-comfy mattress. I didn't know gossips spread this fast.

"It's not fighting, we're just arguing a bit." I said, straightening.

"If it's just arguing, why in God's name that she NOW beginning to hang out with the slut Farrah and her clique?"

WHAT?! She ain't a traitor or a backstabber or something like that, maybe it's because of bad timing?

"Are you sure Spence?" I tried to keep calm.

"We saw them Bex! At a Chanel counter!" Oops Vic tends to be the opposite of me.

Okay, no panic, keep calm, Rebecca. I chant it to myself.

I took a deep breath.

I'm not going to lose my bestfriend.

I tried to remember our encounters with Farrah before Victoria and  Vanessa joined us.

It's about a few weeks ago, they wanted Camille, because of her athletic skills in cheerleading. But Cam didn't want to do it again because of she got a really bad memory because of it. Paris, France, she had a cheerleading competition there, she did well at the first round but someone sabotaged their team's equipments so they didn't do it well and Camille got a really bad injury. All of the people in our school didn't know Camille is an expert on cheerleading except Farrah. She's sort a girl who could know everyone's privacy.

"Well, what are we going to do?" Spence asked me.

"Should I ask my bodyguards to spy on them?" I asked them.

I'm being serious. Sean hired them for me.Actually, I had a chaffeur but yeah, I got wasted with him a few weeks back and yeah, you know, Sean fired him when he knew that. He's a cute guy, but not my type. He got drunk really fast , so he can't be my boyfriend nor my drinking buddy. We're just friends, to make it simple. 

"Of course no, no need that extreme."

"I haven't encounter these types of things before since you know I'm so nice to other people! I lent a pen to a guy in my science class and he didn't even give my pen back, it's a Mont Blanc! But I ain't complaining a bit!" I said desperately.

I desperately wanted to know what's going on inside Camille's pretty head of hers.

"You mean Samuel?" Victoria asked me.

"From his records, I knew he might be selling your pen."She stated matter-of-fact.

God, I don't know, if it's like that I might be giving him a stack of cash instead of giving him my favourite pen from the entire galaxy.

"In other words, he stole it!" Spencer exclaimed.

Puh-lease. Stope discussing about pen! We've got something serious ahead us, baby!

"Enough of that pen thingy, I still think positively of Camille, maybe Farrah just need some company instead of her clique."

See, I'm the only sane people here.

"Mmhm, but how if she managed to be a traitor of our clique?"

Good question.

Yeah, it's really good, but I don't know honestly how to answer it.

"We'll have to discuss it with Jacqueline and Vanessa right?" I said. It's the best thing to say instead of 'HMM,IDK.' OR 'HAVEN'T THINK ABOUT IT'

"Talking about Ness, is she still in Italy?" Spence asked

Oh, she went there because of a fashion show that she can't miss.

"Yep." Vic said popping the P while taking some soda from my mini-fridge-bar.

"Do you have my permission Vic?" I said narrowing my eyes since it's my last diet-coke!

Vic turned to me and giving me her famous smirk.

"Sharing is caring."

Then she drank my last coke.

While me and Spence? drink a mineral water. How tragic our fates;(

We could get down and grab something but we're too lazy to go downstairs.

Oh yes! INTERCOM how dumb of me.

"Vic, since you took my last coke, hand me the phone."

"What's the magic word, honey?"

Seriously she could be annoying at times.

"Please?" I gave her my puppy dog face.

"FINE!" She huffed, still grumbling while handing me the phone.

"Thanks, you're the best!"

"Hey! I think me that is the best!" Spence said to me while faking a hurt expression.

"Yep, all the five of you are the best thing in the world that I've ever had!"

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