Chapter 20 : Holmes , Hermes? Starbucks, Love?

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Sorry for the delay!, as always, just got my internet back. Urgh sometimes my internet is plain too annoying. Haha, anyways, this is it Chapter 20!


Christian Holmes. Hello, injured brain, what's wrong with you. He's just an acquintaince or probably  someone who just saying hi to stranger. Holmes. I'm intrigued by his last name, because it rhymes with HERMES(?) No, absolute not, I've ever heard that name once and I don't know where I heard it, probably from magazine?Because he seems like a model that came right out from the magazine for me. How old is him? He's like a young businessman. Maybe I should buy Forbes or some kind of business magazine to check out.

"Hello! Earth to!"

I heard Victoria snapped to me.

"Yes?" I asked her sweetly.

"Great, you became deaf now, the Karen waitress already said your name like 10 times!"

Oh, yes, my order. I forgot.

I quickly rushed to Karen and mumbling apologies.

My chocolate cake didn't intrigues me now. Now, in my mind just focus to search Christian on the world-wide internet. But first, ofcourse about this Camille-Camille thingy.

I need my pink-notebook. Scratch that, I'm just going to write this on my brain.

Oh yeah, if you still wondering, yes, Camille and Farrah still sitting there talking about some random things that I absolutely don't know.

I take a bite of my super-yummy chocolate cake and I felt like I'm sailing in seven-seas. No, that's too extreme. For short, it makes my body energized a bit. I looked out through the glass window. Crowds everywhere but I could see a man with an armani suit with another guy in fourties beside him passed through the crowds, annoyance clearly showed on the armani suit guy's face. Shit, isn't it Sean? I blinked my eyes and yes, that's Sean annoyed because of the crowds. Good thing we're still not been discovered. I shouldn't leave the house. Sean stated like this if you're sick you just could stay in your room cause your gems will spread. And this is obviously not a good thing.

"Guys, we should run or hide."I said, panic clearly showed. I can't keep calm if it's the matter of life and death.

They looked at me with a  questioning look on their face. I just pointed to the windows and they all gasped. I know they all won't get in trouble but I will!

"Help me!" I frantically panicked.

"No worries, keep calm."Jac said to me.

Busted in Starbucks isn't a good idea,really. The nearest door from our seats is a staff only door. And just my luck, the only vacant seat is next to our table. Just great. I will take every risk to go out from this hell hole.

"Guys, there." I said.

They nodded and we burst inside the staff only door. The other staffs gave us a weird look.

I reach my bag and got out my louis vuitton purse. I reached a stack of cashes that I used just only for emergency like when my cards got confiscated for a week, I used this kind of money to pay for something.

"Here, share with the others, get us out from the exit door." I said panting heavily.

I'm kinda didn't like it when I use money for blackmail things or for our or my own benefits. It's not a good thing. But today is a different excuse. It's an emergency type Z!

"o-okay."the blonde guy said.

"but it's okay, keep this, we're happy to help."he continued.

what a generous type of guy. So sweet.

Jacqueline automatically gasped. She loves this kind of guy.

Her first encounter with a boyfriend is when a bully called Rome who loves bullying people. And that lunch time, it's Jacqueline. We're all in a lunch detention because of something that I forgot why. Rome approached Jac and asked her lunch pocket money. Jacqueline, of course scared of that muscled guy and almost gave him the money from her pucci wallet that Spencer gave it to her for her thirteenth birthday. But her hero, Jack Williams (see their names also rhymes!) saved her from that incidence. Jacqueline wanted to give her money to him because of his bravery but he declined politely. Since then, she's starstruck and finally that Jack guy asked her out and she agreed. We spent hours to doll her up and Jack stood her up. How bastard of him and Jac cried a full night because of that. There ain't no sorry text message from him and he didn't bother contact her again. And we finally found out that he made a hundred dollar bet if Jac agreed to ask her out. And all of those things that I mentioned earlier is just their scene play. How jerk douche bastard of him.

Back to present time, Jacqueline also starstrucked.

"Are you sure Ivan?your mom is sick and need money!" His brown haired co-worker said to him.

"Ivan right?Just take it, Get well soon for your mom."I said to him.

I searched money again inside my wallet and gave him all of them that I have.

"I know that this isn't that much, but take it. You need this." I shoved all of the dollars that I have in that purse to him.

It's better rather than me who will spend it for shopping or did other idiot things.

"Thankyou."He said gratefully, tears welling in his eyes.

"At least, let me introduce myself to you."He said wiping a few tears that fell to his cheeks.

"Ivan Summers."

"Rebecca Scarlett, this is my friends, Jacqueline, Spencer Woods and Victoria Reece."I introduced.

"Okay, time is money, chop-chop! I'm Ryan, anyway." the brown haired guy shoved us to the back door and said us goodbye.

Whew, it leads us to a boutique called as The Fabs.

I seriously don't want to take any risks again so we decided to go home.

We decided to call it a day and crashed on my place.

My superstrict brothersOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant