Chapter 17 : Spencer and 'Mr Wales' Part Two

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Okay, I do see the sun again people! And if I don't, I have a superwoman to brighten up my day now!;)

So here is it, Chapter 17!


This is the part how Spencer spent an hour of her precious time with Elliot in his office. It's based of Spencer's speech minus of how hot he looks with his tie loosened. Get a grip,Spence. But if she got hooked up with Elliot, it could be a benefit right? Like this, Example, she didn't need to submit her homework and she might got an A! and plus she could seduce him to get me and the rest of our clique an A too. How cool is that if it works that way? And we could prank someone without getting in trouble? There's a chance for that too! And having an exam while we could open our book is also a good idea. Okay, enough of your dreams,Beck. He MOST likely won't give that golden opportunity for me. Back to the main story,people!

Spencer is a shy type girl infront of hot guys, but when she's already smitten with him, she got dangerously seductive, I've seen it when she got hooked up with Taylor Evans, he's her summer fling.

Prologue, Spencer went to the nearest bathroom to check on her makeup, unbuttoning her first button school's shirt uniform, running to a nearest Jimmy Choo boutique (okay, not running but asking her chaffeur to speed up), buying a pair of gorgeous pointed toe heels, changing her flats into heels (she rarely uses heels, she said that she needs comfortable shoe-wear), then going back to school. She barely made in time to serve the detention itself, because of too long choosing her so-called gorgeous heels. (I'm not judging, I even haven't saw her heels!)

Scene one, Spencer rushed to Elliot's office after her makeover. On the other hand, Elliot already waited her impatiently while tapping his fingers on the mahagony desk. Spencer knocked on his door. Elliot, still playing as a strict teacher motioned her to sit. Spence of course choose the seat infront of him. (Tsk tsk, usually you're the one who loves to sit at the back, Spence usually reads a magazine while the teacher was explaining, but she still got an A for her exam.)

She apologized to him for her actions earlier (add a guilty trip here!). Elliot, being an observant asking her whether she changed her flats? And you know, Spence said to us it means Elliot did pay attention to her. Yeah yeah, I'm not jealous if you guys wondering! He's nice enough to be a drinking-buddy but no as a boyfriend! He's like Sean's twin! If I can't handle Sean how could I handle two Sean? tsk tsk.

Scene two, Elliot sentenced Spence to sort out his files (God! Elliot! do you think she's your personal assistant?! Hire by yourself!). But Spencer hasn't lose her faith on him.

I bet a hundred percent she said this after he sentenced her death

"Of course, sir." Showing her dimples and batting her long mascara eyelashes. It's her style.

And that's the cue for Elliot to get ready for Spencer's surprises.

Lucky for her this time, cause the files located on the very top of the cupboard. Lucky for her tiny figure right now. Spencer tried to stand on top of the chair in case Elliot didn't trust she can't grab them by herself.

"Sir, could you grab those files for me? They are way too high." Spencer used her fake sweet voice.

Elliot grabbed those heavy files for her, He even cursed under his breath because of yeah, it like weighs a ton.

And by this time Elliot still didn't know her ulterior motives.

Scene three! Spencer managed to do one per eight of her punishment (WHICH TOOK ONLY 10 MINS) , then she dropped the stacks of papers she's holding.

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