Chapter 15 : Things Got Better.

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HELLO! yes, it's me updating again! sorry for the really late update;( 

Anyways, here is it , chapter 15, things got better

First thing? I'm back baby! lols

xoxo Bianca


Oh-kay today is a wonderful (fabulous(?) whatevs lols) day and me being so kind(ehm) , I'm giving you some recaps!

Our main character is Rebecca Scarlett Casari (which she rarely uses the last name)

She have 5 bffs:

1. Spencer Woods

The first time you met her is on the first chapter when they got wasted together on the club and Nicholas came and interrupt their WONDERFUL night and note that she has a crush on Elliot Wales (which is their new teacher.)

2. Camille Cha

You could read her story too lols! You met her on the second chapter where she back-talk Elliot! Cheers,baby! But, in that chapter too, Rebecca met Sean again, her first most-strict brother and sadly da friggin headmaster and also he delivered the first punishment for Becca in the umm I forgot what chapter lols

3. Victoria

We first met her in da midnight sale, Trouble leads into having a new best-friend! For you guys who don't remember, they fought over a dress and Alex need to punish Becky when they got home:( AND THE WORSE PART (sorry for da shouty capitals) Alex can't hug Becca because of Sean but don't worry Edward is there to rescue in shining armor!

4. Jacqueline

First scene with Jacqueline when Becky went to pick them up at Spence's mansion. She's loaded lols. Like a daughter of a super-billionaire gazillionaire(?) Ignore my craziness;(

5. Vanessa

She's an Italian and Vic's neighbour. Oh-kay, i can't give you any more description about her? Just read ma story and you'll know every girl's deepest secret(?) Whoa, I felt like being in pretty-little-liars tv show(?)

Okay, that's Rebecca's friends.

So, family now right? Their parents split up and they made their appearance the first time when Sean got back from France and they came home for dinner.

Rebecca's Strict Brothers

1. Sean Miller Casari

I let you know his middle name because of yea I felt guilty for not updating for 2 months;( He's da oldest and strictest from Becca's brothers after all.

2. Alex Casari

The second oldest, worked for Sean's company. He's strict and still gave Becca hugs, not like that mean Sean ( WOW THAT RHYMES!)

3. Nicholas Casari

The third oldest. His job? Chillin' on the club? No, Sean will still blister his butt if he did that(?)

4. Edward Cullen Casari(?) No , just kidding, just Edward Casari.

The youngest of them all, 5 years older than Becky and he's the most not so strict from them all.


So Chapter 15 is about chaos, got an argument with Camille and have some un-finished business with Sean.

Here we go, lovelies.

I awoke with a strong man arms around me. God, Sean already banned me from dating and now whose arms is this urgh. I opened my eyes slightly, whoa it's Sean, a man with a heart? still doubting it.

My superstrict brothersTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang