Chapter 24 : Good News or Bad News?

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After me brainstorming MYSELF. Thanks to Spencer and Maddie who fell asleep during the day and became a zombie in the middle of the night begging me to accompany them watching some kind of horror movie. God, can't they understand? I don't have enough courage to watch it although they promised to accompany me the whole time. Nope, and I'm real sleepy and if they kept bothering me I'm going to be a zombie tomorrow morning and zombie me won't do any good, that means leading me into another trouble. Something that I didn't want to add into my mood-disaster list. Oh and by the way I have another plan coming for tomorrow morning though. Persuading Elliot Wales to give me back my phone. Thankyou very much, I already out from gossips these days and I need my social life back.
So, yeah, Spencer and Maddie, both of them watched a horror movie in the middle of the night and me, going back to sleep of course.


Is that the damned alarm clock? I guess so. I'm still in a dreamland, replaying me and Christian's scene at the Starbucks, I'm itching to go to that Starbucks again, hoping that I could meet him. Gosh, No, I'm not that desperate, urgh! I pressed the snooze button and knocked the alarm clock in process of doing it. Yeah, at least I have five minutes more of paradise. But, nope, it seems like Spencer shouting at me becuase her high-pitched voice broke me out from my paradise again.


See, it's the horror movie effects to her, she'll became sensitive of every things around her in a bad thing, I guess. Once after she watched a horror movie, there's a wind breezing at the trees that we passed on the way to school and she said something scary about it.

"Spence,stop." I plead to her, not that it will overcome her paranoia or something but maybe it will helps a little. My voice a little scratchy because of just waking up and I'm sure my hair is sticking out in every direction. But Maddie is always the opposite. She is always cool and keep calm. Yeah, no wonders she is like a black belt in karate or something like that. So, basically she's also my bodguard bestfriend I guess. She's pretty cool but if you mess with her, the results won't be pretty.

I sat and rest my head on my headboard. Yeah, morning routines before standing up.

"You woke pretty early or did you not sleep at all?" I'm curious because usually Spencer is a heavy sleeper.

"I can't sleep after watching that idiot movie! Why don't you stop me?!"

Is she being out of mind? I perfectly tried to stop her but stubborn her managed to watch that movie with Maddie.

"Bullshit Spence." not in a mood to argue with her.

I walked in my bathroom and turned on the hot shower. That's the only thing that will wake me up in this ungodly hour in the morning. After doing my morning rituals or routines you could say, I went down and found a full family and friend sat by at the breakfast bar. Full family I mean all of my brothers. If my dad is there, trust me I'll just go skip although dad will give me some parental glance with a bonus lecture of the most important meal of the day.

"Morning." I said. Enthusiastically? Absolute no if I managed not to get my phone back.

"Morning Beck."They chorused.

I grabbed a granola bar and Sean swatted my hand.

What the hell Sean?

I gave him a glare and he crossed his arms.

"Not that, they are preparing us real breakfast."

Real breakfast as in pancakes bacons eggs and stuffs? Yeah, I can't eat them in the morning! It's like my stomach is too lazy to churn something in the morning.

"No, thanks, I guess I'll skip."

"Stay." he said to me firmly.

"No." I mimicked his tone.

Spence gave me a pleading look. "Just obey his words." She mouthed me.

No, I could control my own body!

"Excuse me?" His tone was dangerous now.

Alex's head also shot up and he instantly shot me a warning look.

"I know when my body needs food." I said getting up.

"You're not excused yet."

So, I don't care. I got this feeling in the summer day when you were gone, I crashed my car into a bridge, I watched it I let it burn!

"Rebecca, calm down."Edward came towards me and rubbed my back. See how sweet of him. He's the real sweet brother who cares about you not like the others!

"Edward, back off this instant."Sean's commanding tone makes me shivers. Who won't he's like the big bad alpha and Edward is the sweet beta.

"No, you're the one who'll going to back off!" I said getting stressed with the situation.

I grabbed the granola bar, my bag and grabbed Spencer's hand.

"Let's go." I said to her and left them all, leaving them utterly frozed.

Yeah, I won't be the same Rebecca where you could command me all the time and control my body. It's mine, not yours.

Good God, I forgot to take my keys and there's no way in hell I would come back to that house and grabbed them like I'm not in trouble.

"Spencer, I'm real sorry, but I forgot to take the keys!" I said frantically.

And there's still no way a prince in a white horse will save me or us.

A black range-rover drove elegantly passing us, it's not common for that type of car passing our neighborhood cause my neighbours prefer using some kind of small cars and stuffs. But I'm still envy that they have a ride while us? Nada.

Call a cab. That's the only choice. School is not that far but still tiring because we wore high-heels. But fuck our life, Spencer also forgot to bring her cell.

We should get going unless Sean will hunt us down. So, you know what are we doing? Walking to school using this killer heels. Although we used to using heels, but if you walked too far, it also hurts your feet.

We walked and sang some songs in our way to school. Yeah, that really makes our little journey a lil bit more fun.

An hour later, we arrived school, drenched in sweat. Yeah, thankyou very much the bell already rang a few minutes ago, leaving us alone at the hall. The only luck is we have the same period.

I rumaged through my satchel and hand out my time-table.

First Block- English, Mr Wales.

It's not luck, but bad luck indeed.

"Shit." It's the only word that we said instantly after we saw the time-table.

Of course what Spence thought is how the bad image that she will get infront of her crush. And me how deep the trouble that I could get.

And my feet is sorta sore and have some cuts in various places. Nah, thankyou very much.

We managed not to be a coward and faced the demon instead.

"Miss Scarlett and Miss Woods, a word after class."

Predictable but still shocking.

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