Chapter 27 : First Date With Mr. Billionaire.

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YAY it's chapter 27, I intend to make it special because 27 is my favourite number and I'm dedicating this chapter to my one and only wattpad bestfriend Hannah!;) She's really sweet and wanna chat with me even though I'm weird;)

So here is it, Chapter 27.



Going lunch with Christian? Why not? I'm feeling the alcohol kicking in my system or I'm not thinking straight. But right now, I'm agreeing to Christian's proposing me to go lunch with him. Wow proposing huh, I made that sound so fancy. Like you wanna propose a marriage LOL. The next sentence that flew out of my mouth is me asking him to drive his limited edition flashy car. Call me stupid but whatever, it's like once in a life time opportunity! My dad or brothers won't buy this for me, so yeah, I'm going to take a rare chance. I closed my eyes and prayed, please make Christian let me! I sounded so desperate. Trust me, I am at the moment.

Christian closed his eyes for a second and sighed. Fishing out his phone, he dialled someone. Hello? Did he forget the truth that I need an answer? He talked to the other line for a minute. A hella minute of torture. 

"Sorry babe, but there'll be traffic on the way to the restaurant, next time okay?" He promised me.

My heart throbbed in dissapointment.


I'm feeling down, he just ripped, no tore my chances apart. Yeah, maybe God has a better plan. Plans that will make me fly into the seventh heaven and sail the seven seas.

He cupped my chin so his warm grey eyes looked straight to my boring hazel eyes.

"I promise babe."

I sighed dreamily at him, maybe we could finish something that will be happening just now before Cam cleared her throat?

He planted a kiss at my cheek. It still causes my heart to tingle and shivers ran down my spine, every of his touch is like an electricity spark that bolts through my body.

"We should get to know each other better first."

I nodded while straightening up myself. Get a grip, your family didn't raise you into that kind of girl who can't live without someone. Maybe can't live without something yes, like oxygen, water. Yeah we need that right? Okay, get rid of those biology things out of your head! Maybe, I take the biology homework  too seriously so my brain got messed up like this.Back to present, ignore the biology thing. Everytime I heard about biology project , I'm thinking of how jerkish my team mates are.

First, a guy named Jack (Yeah, I didn't use his real name) If I do and he read this story, he would be killing me. He refused to give me any help. Maybe I'm just going to let the teacher know that I did this by myself and let him fail (insert an evil laugh). But hell, no! I'm a kind girl and I'm not intending to do it SOON(: LOL.

Second, a girl named Grace (again with not a real name) She rarely go to school, I know her grandma or her relatives or something like that is the headmistress. But still, it's so unfair. Hey, Life is always unfair right or Life is never flat(?).

The third girl is a really sweet girl, she always shares her story with me, etc. But she's on a vacation after the teacher told us the team work project. How unfair is that? While she's enjoying her summer on a Malibu beach or something? Where the wind breezes chilly and makes her dance with the wind having fun, meeting hot guys and do Barbie stuffs (Yeah, I watched like when Barbie had a camping with her friends and sisters and KEN, it's so cool, she had a jacuzzi inside her PINK bus)

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