Chapter 22 : Spencer-To-The-Go.

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Thankyou very much, because of my overprotective brothers I'm laying doing nothing in my bed. Actually, I'm waiting for Spencer and team to report something to me.

Flashback after I hopped in Edward's car.

"I'm damn sure you want something for me."

Yeah, totally true.

"I'm damn sure I don't have an ulterior motive."

His face instantly faced me.

"Say damn once again."He challenged me.

Fuck you. You said it and I can't. I won't dare to spat it right in his face cause yeah, firstly I need that DAMNED phone. Second, I know when to push off his buttons.

"Sorry."I muttered.

"So..?"He asked me.

"I need to borrow your phone, please?"I said giving him my best puppy dog eyes. Please Edward say yes! He's the most coolest from the other brothers. You should give me the damned phone please.

"What in the world are you thinking,Rebecca? I won't do that even if the world crashes down!"

No need to exaggerate, I get your point, dear brother.

I sighed and slumped myself at the leather seat and automatically I saw a sleek black mercedes car behind us from our rear view mirror. It's a sport car that hasn't even launched here and it's limited for God's sake. I never seen someone used that in our neighbourhood. Maybe it's just someone who passed by or a neighbour who just recently bought it? Yeah, should be that. But a part of me wanted it different.

Yeah I sorta missed Christian and his cocky ways. I'm interested to a guy in Starbucks?Hell, what kind of thoughts are that. How if he's a rapist?!

Nope nope not he can't be. He's too cool for that. Oops?

Okay, Scratch that, maybe I'm just physically interested, nothing much. Yeah, who won't be drooling over that kind of body with an addition of a handsome face?

The drive to home is super long and super awkward while I'm thinking about how to inform the mission. I'm not saying that our mission will fail throughly, cause without me everything will gonna be okay.

Finally, our car pulled to our driveway.

I hopped out from the second Edward parked the car and ran like a lunatic towards the main house.

"Madieee!" I searched for her everywhere.

FYI, she's my best-friend in house and personal assistant (Yeah, I considered her as that)

I finally gave up and ran upstairs to my room. Yeah, what a good coinscidence, me drenching in sweat cause of running like a lunatic and Madie or Madeline is sleeping at my totoro bed.

"Madie!"I shook her to wake her up from whatever dream she has.


"God Mads, I'm going lunatic cause I'm searching for you everywhere!"

"God, whats up then?"

"I need your phone!"

She looked at me questioningly but fished out her blackberry to me.

I muttered a thanks and sat at my bean bag.

I'm dialling Spence and she instantly answered it from the first ring.


"Becky, actually. I need you to know whatever emergency it is cause I can't do that cause you see I'm stuck at my room. I'll explain my situation later."

"Hold on. You're at home?! We searched for you!"

"Yeah, sorry! The-guy-who-shall-not-be-named forced me home!"

"Alright,  I'll go straight to your home after solving these shits, better for that Korean girl to give us a damned descent excuse."

"Spencer! If she did this for our own goods, I demand you to say sorry to her!"I can't check my temper. I still can't let her bad-mouthing Cams!

"Alright,I'm just caught up at the moment, sorry."

"It's okay, sorry too for snapping up."

It's still not cool to have another friend get mad to you also.

Back in the present time.

So, here I am laying on my super cute totoro bed, waiting for Spencer's grande entrance. She better made a good excuse to Sean what's she's going to do here. Otherwise, yeah, he won't let a single fucking guest without doing something good to me came here just for chilling out. I've been cursing a lot now due to the stress that everybody gave me. It's like a mental break down(not that extreme, obviously but sorta)

Spence barged in, of course she did that the whole time

"I brought you sucky homeworks."She threw like a five worth tons pile of books and papers up at my desk.

"Ew, homework sucks."I pouted.

"Of course, but it's just the single fucking way for Sean to let me in!"

"I get it dude, thanks." I said.

"So, what's happening?"

"Camille keeps dropping off clue so Farrah won't get curious."


She dug in her chanel bag and gave me a pink post-it note.

Seriously? I flipped it open.

"Spence, zilch conceito."

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