Chapter 9

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Seonghwa sat on his bed with his new plushie up against his chest. He had placed his new items neatly on the ground and left it. He didn't feel like going through it all at the moment. 

"I-I don't want to remember more... I don't want to remember the torture"... he whispered, closing his eyes tight. He suddenly heard something drop, making him open his eyes and look up to see a bottle on the ground. 

"Weird... that was on the table"... Seonghwa stood up and went to grab it before he froze in his place, his eyes wide as he looked at his hand. A soft red glow illuminated around it, red smoke slowly circling his hand. 

"W-what's going on? Yunho"!! He called. Yunho rushed into his room and stopped. 

"What the hell"? Seonghwa looked up at him. 

"I-I don't know what's going on... I don't know how to get rid of it"! Seonghwa cried. Yunho rushed over to him as Seonghwa tried to stop whatever was happening to him. 

"Breath ok? W-we can figure this out. I promise. Just breath". Seonghwa looked into his eyes, feeling himself calm down as the red glow disappeared. Yunho smiled. 

"There you go. What the hell was that"? 

"I don't know... I-I'm not human"? 

"Hey don't say that. Yes you are. Everyone's human. Why would you say that"? 

"I-I'm different! S-something's happening to me and I don't know how or why"!! Seonghwa cried. Yunho pulled him into a hug and Seonghwa was shaking slightly. He was scared. 

"I-I don't know what's going on... Yunho what's happening to me"... 

"I have no clue but I promise we will figure this out. Whatever happened where you were and how you got those... powers, we will figure out the reason behind it ok"? Seonghwa nodded and closed his eyes. He just wanted it to end. He wished it was a bad dream and that he would wake up the next morning, happy and smiling in bed next to someone he loved, next to... No he couldn't think about that. He didn't remember anything and it felt wrong to want so much at once. 



"I-is it bad to want so much even if I can't remember anything"? The two pulled away. 

"What do you mean"? 

"I mean... All i want is to just wake up and this be a bad dream. Be with the person I'm safe with and in love with"... Yunho smiled. 

"No it's not a bad thing. I sometimes wish to wake up next to someone I love... a soulmate. I thought I had the one a few months ago and he fucked me over. So I'm still looking for the right person. So it's not bad at all". Seonghwa smiled back softly. 

"I hope you find that person someday"... 

"I hope you do too. Come on, you should rest. After what just happened, you need it". Seonghwa nodded and stood up, grabbing the plushie and walking over to the bed. 

"Thanks for everything Yunho. You really are a nice person". Yunho smiled big at those words and turned red slightly. 

"I-I like helping people. Call out if whatever that was before happens again". Seonghwa nodded and laid down, holding his plushie to his chest. Yunho closed the door, letting him sleep and Seonghwa fell asleep fast. 

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