Chapter 10

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"What was that about"? Wooyoung asked. 

"s-something happened... whatever happened to him back in the place he was before, they made him into something I don't think he wants".

"Like what"? 

"I'm not really too sure but he has... I shouldn't even say, it's not place to say. It's his". Wooyoung smiled. 

"That's ok. But you really seem happy with him and whenever he's sad, your sad". 

"That's cause I care for people. And he don't remember the world properly. I'm helping him as much as I can". Wooyoung smiled before San ran down from the wall way and jumped into his arms. 

"Are all of you still here"? Yunho asked, giggling. 

'Yep. You know us. We like to stay". 

"True". San kissed Wooyoung quickly and smiled as Yunho headed to make something to eat, only for there to be a loud knock at the door. 

"Did someone order something"? The two nodded.

"The others are asleep", San spoke. Yunho looked at the door and moved back as the knocking continued. 

"Open up now! We know you have him"! Yunho's eyes widened. 

"Shit... they're after Seonghwa... Guys get the others! I'm getting Seonghwa out of here"! Yunho bolted for the room and opened it. 

"Hwa, wake up! We need to go"! Seonghwa groaned and slowly woke, rubbing his eyes. 


"Someone's here and is looking for you. We need to go or they'll get you". Seonghwa's face dropped and started to shake with fear. Yunho grabbed his arm. 

"It'll be ok. Calm down. They aren't gonna get you". Seonghwa didn't speak and Yunho noticed the red glow slowly appearing. 

"I-it shows when your scared... Hwa you can use this can't you? Use your... power"? Seonghwa looked at him. 

"I-I don't know... I only found out about it. I don't know if can control it"... he whispered. 

"Can you try? If not, that's ok. We can try and find a way to get rid of them and not follow us". 

"I-I can try"... They heard a bang and Yunho turned.

"Hwa please hurry. They're gonna get us"! Seonghwa looked at his hands and breathed slowly, trying to calm himself before the door to the room was knocked down. 

"Hwa"! Yunho shouted as a gunshot was heard. And Seonghwa then snapped. 

He grabbed Yunho's arm and ripped him behind him, hand extended towards the bullet as it stopped mid-air, eye glowing red. 

"Don't hurt him", he growled. Yunho was quiet as he looked at the boy in front of him. He wasn't shy or scared. He was angry, almost dangerous, willing to protect anyone. 

"You've unlocked your powers I see... boss will be delighted. Your coming with us". 

"H-Hwa let's just go please", Yunho whispered. Seonghwa looked at him slightly then looked back at the men as the red glow shone brighter. 

"Try and get me".

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