Chapter 11

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Seonghwa wasn't gonna let the men hurt Yunho. He couldn't. Not after Yunho helped him. All he felt was anger and hatred towards them for everything. 

"You can't control it. You try and protect him, and you'll just hurt him. That's how it always is". Seonghwa felt Yunho grab his arm tightly and pull him back. 

"P-please let's just go. You could end up hurting yourself". 

"He'll hurt you Yunho.... I-I don't want you to get hurt"... Seonghwa whispered. 

"They'll hurt you Hwa. I'm not letting them take you back there". Seonghwa sighed and calmed himself down, letting his power slowly disappear. 

"Let us go", Yunho spoke, trying to sound strong. The male in front chuckled and held up his gun towards him. 

"No". He fired and Yunho wasn't quick enough to dodge it, getting hit in his lower arm and he shouted in pain. 

"Yunho"!! Seonghwa shouted, turning to the men and using his power to push them into the walls. 

"Get out right now!! Before I do something I will regret"! He snapped. He let his power release the men and they scattered out of the room before turning to Yunho, blood dripping through his fingers. The others rushed in and Mingi ran straight over to him. 

"Oh my god! What happened"?! 

"I-I'm fine... Just got shot"... Yunho whispered. 

"Shot"!? Mingi and San said at the same time. 

"I'm ok! Hwa saved me the first time but we both let our guard down when he fired at me again. I'll get better, just need to rest my arm". Seonghwa moved past Mingi and grabbed Yunho's arm. 

"I-I'm sorry... your got hurt because they wanted me"... he whispered. 

"Hwa stop that. It's not your fault". Seonghwa moved Yunho's hand away, seeing it was a deep bullet wound and placed his hand over it softly. 

"A-at least I know I have powers. I can use it against them", he spoke softly. 

"Yeah. You need to practice". Seonghwa giggled and smiled before they saw the familiar soft red light from under his hand and the others moved forward, curious. 

"What's going on"? Jongho asked. 

"I don't know... I-I don't know what I'm doing"... Seonghwa whispered. Yunho winced slightly before feeling the pain slowly disappear and he looked up at him, eyes wide. He knew what was happening. 


"I-I think you can heal people"... Yunho said. When the light died down, Seonghwa moved his hand away and there was now no bullet wound or blood. 

"I-I healed you"? Yunho nodded and smiled. 

"That's amazing"! Wooyoung said excitedly. Seonghwa turned and smiled before grabbing his head. 

"Hwa"? Seonghwa didn't answer. He looked down and closed his eyes tight as the pain in his head got worse. 

"Hwa what's going on"? Yunho asked, grabbing him slightly. Seonghwa opened his eyes slightly and looked up at him.

"I-I... I can remember"... he whispered before his eyes rolled back, his world going dark. 

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