Chapter 12

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Yunho caught Seonghwa in his arm and frowned. What he had said played in Yunho's mind and he looked up at the others. 

"He keeps getting small parts of his memory back... I'm confused. No one else that has gone missing can ever remember what happened to them".

"He's remembering"? Yeosang asked. Yunho nodded and saw a sudden change in Yeosang's mood. 

"Do you know something we don't"? he asked. Yeosang shook his head. 

"N-no why would you ask that"? 

"You've been acting different since Seonghwa's been here. He said you looked familiar to him and every time he remembers something, you act strange. What are you hiding"? Yunho asked. Yeosang moved back slightly. 

"Your acting different since helping him. Your not hanging with us anymore".

"I barely hang out with you guys anyway! You basically live in my house because I don't leave to hang out! I'm not a very open person! I don't like being with people so much"! 

"Yeah whatever. You hide shit from us. What makes you think I'll share anything with you"? Yeosang spat. Yunho felt Mingi take Seonghwa from his arms and he walked towards Yeosang. 

"Everything we keep from each other always has managed to be let out for everyone to know. We can't keep secrets from each other. We're nosey. Whatever your hiding, we'll find out eventually. So you can tell me now, or have someone else tell me when they find out". Yeosang swallowed and looked up at Yunho. 

Yunho had never felt so mad before towards his friends, especially Yeosang. He was the shy one of the group, not talking alot and always cuddling up to Jongho. 

"How did they find us"? San asked, sounding scared. 

"No idea. They're after Seonghwa and I intend to keep him safe. We're leaving. We can stay at my parents. They're never home anyway". 

"You guys can go. I'm not coming. You just snapped at me and expect me to come? Fuck you"! Yeosang shouted and stormed out. Jongho stood there, looking down as he heard the front door slam shut. 

"Jongho... I'm sorry. But I don't trust Sang anymore. He's been acting weird since Seonghwa's been here", Yunho said.

"He has... It's like he doesn't care... I don't want him to be like that", Jongho whispered. 

"I know but we can't help him. just leave him be for now. Help me get Seonghwa to the car then we can head to my parents". 


"Stupid, stupid, stupid"! Yeosang shouted as he began punching a nearby tree, suddenly denting it slightly. He looked at his hands and closed his eyes tight, before hearing a voice behind him. 

"Still haven't got him"? Yeosang turned, eyes open as he looked at the male. 

"Why am I helping you? I'm free from that hell hole. I'm done helping"! Yeosang shouted. He hated how much he was turning against his friends because of what his mission was to keep his freedom. 

"Your listening because if you dont, you go straight back and you'll be locked up again. You don't want that, do you"? Yeosang turned away and bit his lower lip. 

"I-I'm not going back. I can't"... he whispered. 

"Then obey and bring Seonghwa back if you want you freedom". The male began to walk off before turning back to Yeosang. 

"Oh and stop destroying the trees. Your powers are out of control remember that". Yeosang watched as he walked away before turning back to the tree and punching it hard, sending it falling to the ground and it caught on fire in seconds. 

"T-they're out of control because of you"... he growled softly, tears filling his eyes. He hated it. The person he had become, that he was forced to become. A small flame surrounded his hand as he looked at it. 

"I dont think I get a choice anymore"...

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