Chapter 14

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Seonghwa's eyes widened. They wanted him back? He looked at Yunho, scared. Yunho grabbed his hand and gave him a smile. 

"They won't get him. Your not taking him back there Yeosang". 

"I don't want to. But I can't break his trust... I want to be free".

"And you can be. Just... don't listen to them". Yeosang looked up at his friends. 

"B-but I can't control my powers. I listen to them cause they've helped me control them"... Seonghwa touched his arm softly and smiled. 

"We can help. I'm still learning myself. Let us help". Yeosang looked at the others, who gave him a smile and he returned it. 

"O-ok... but he'll find out I'm not listening to him. He'll get so mad". 

"Then he won't find out". 

"H-he always find out"... Yeosang spoke. Seonghwa frowned before they heard cars pulling up and they all turned and Seonghwa moved back. 

"N-no... They found us that fast"... Yunho grabbed his hand as the others all rushed inside. Two men jumped out from the car in front and walked forward. 

"Your not too hard to track. Your coming back with us". Seonghwa moved his hand towards him before the other male held up his gun, pointing it straight at Yunho, making the boy freeze in his place.

"Don't hurt him"! Seonghwa cried, lowering his hands quickly. 

"Wise choice. Use your power against us, and we hurt the people you care about. So come with us or we will fire". 

"Y-you'll hurt them either way". 

"You have my word. We won't touch them. We just want you". Seonghwa turned to Yunho, who shook his head, fear in his eyes. 

"D-don't Hwa... They can't be trusted... They'll still hurt us"... Yunho whispered. 

"If I don't, they'll hurt you... I don't know what to do"...

"Come with us and we will leave them alone. You have my word", the male spoke. 

"Last time you gave me your word, you tortured me. You expect me to believe you"!? Seonghwa shouted, turning to him. His eyes slowly glowed red as his power showed, his anger rising every minute. 

"You get angry easy I see". 

"Shut up", Seonghwa spat. 

"I'm just telling the truth. Just like your parents".

"You don't know my parents, so shut up". 

"I do. They're the reason we had you. They gave you to us". Seonghwa balled his hands into fists and Yunho saw all gun in the man's hand lift into the air before the two were lifted up. 

"Shut up!! My parents would never do that to me! Your fucking liars"!! Seonghwa shouted. Yunho moved back and stayed quiet as the men in front of them was thrown into the air. 

"You know nothing about my parents! So stop lying to me"! Seonghwa let the men drop to the ground as Yunho grabbed his hand and pulled him inside. 

"Hwa doing that is gonna make them angry. We're screwed". 

"I-I'm not going with them... they'll hurt you all even if they say they won't. Last time they said they wouldn't hurt someone close to me, they took him and did the same thing they did to me... Only he didn't survive"... Yunho's face dropped at his words. 

"T-they won't hurt us, ok? We just need to be careful and stay hidden for now". Seonghwa nodded. 

"Guys come on. We gotta go", Yunho called as they moved towards the back door. The others nodded and followed and Yunho prayed they could stay hidden. 


I'm back! 

After coming back from my sister's, I had a bit of writers block so I wasn't sure what direction to take the story in but I hope you enjoyed this chapter. 

I won't be updating anything tomorrow but I will be back on the 30th before the new years, so I'll update a few times today with my other books if I have the chance to

Hope you all have a wonderful Christmas!

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