Chapter 16

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After what felt like ages for walking, the group arrived at a small warehouse. It was in the middle of no where so they hoped it kept them safe.

"We'll be safe here, I hope"... Yunho muttered as he stood next to Seonghwa.

"No one comes here so we will be safe", Wooyoung said, smiling. Yeosang turned to Jongho, ignoring the others.

"What did you want to tell me"? He asked and it caught everyone's attention.

"What's going on"? San asked, confused. Jongho looked at the others then at Yeosang.

"Sang was confused when I didn't have a burn on my hand even though he hurt me". Jongho showed his palm as he spoke and the others looked confused.

"But you were burnt... how"? Minho asked.

"Well... I-I'm like Sang and Seonghwa but... different".

"Different how"? Seonghwa asked

"Everyone has childhood memories, even you Hwa. They're just coming back to you. Me however, don't have them... I never had a childhood".

"Never had a childhood"? Yunho whispered. Jongho nodded.

"I'm like Sang and Hwa. I was given powers as a gift. They don't remember me though so I'm safe". Yeosang shook his head and walked forward.

"This is making zero sense. How did you not have a childhood"?

"Cause I wasn't born. I was created. I have no parents or family and left to try and become normal. But... my powers stopped me all the time"... Everyone fell silent as Jongho spoke, their eyes wide in shock.

"Ask any questions. I know you have a ton".

"What powers do you have"? Yeosang asked straight away. Jongho smiled.

"I have accelerated healing, a reason I don't have the burn anymore. I also have control over others emotions and mind".

"Woah"... Yeosang whispered, smiling.

"How were you created"? Seonghwa asked. Jongho turned away, trying to remember.

"I-I don't really remember... some of the memories of the place I lost after an explosion which had freed me. But all I know is that I was made to be a weapon for them. To create and destroy things"... Yeosang grabbed his hand and pulled him close as the others moved closer.

"You aren't something they can use. You are your own person, even if you were created. They can't control you Jongho", he whispered. Jongho looked surprised but smiled.

"Thank you... I'm still human. They just... don't think I am". San smiled big and rubbed his back. Jongho was happy to feel accepted by his friends. Seonghwa smiled before looking towards the door.

"Hwa"? He heard Yunho say softly

"If I had been stuck there forever, would Sang still be here' would Jongho tell you about what he truely is? Yunho, everyone's just spilling things no one knows about them. This is all cause of me"... Yunho pulled Seonghwa aside.

"Don't say that. It's not cause of you. It's just keeping us all safe from what those men are capable of. This isn't your fault". Seonghwa looked at him and nodded but deep down, he couldn't get rid of the fact that maybe it was all his fault...

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