Chapter 13 - Season 2.13

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Maddison noticed Brittany walking down the corridor and decided to catch up with the blonde, plus she wanted a little more information about what was going on between her and Hazel. 

"Hey, Brit." Maddison said as she slowed her jog down 

"Hey, Maddie." Brittany said with a smile 

"Can we chat?"

"Rachel paid me to dress like her."

"Wait what?"

"Yeah, she gave me money so I would dress like her. I think she wants people to think she's fashionable."

"Okay then...but why did you agree?"

"I needed the money."

"Fair enough." Just as that portion of the conversation ended Rachel came over to the pair 

"Hey, Brittany. We need to talk. Why are my leg warmers on your arms?"

"I got cold."

"But we had a deal, as I explained I am in the midst of a career resurgence, okay? I am done with boys, and I am concentrating fully on my career now. The only way to make a complete comeback is to dominate popular discussion. Maybe launch a trend or two. I gave you half of my allowance, so you could take a signature look of mine and make it popular."

"We said leg warmers were more likely to catch on than reindeer sweaters."

"Yes, precisely. But it won't work if you insist on wearing them incorrectly."

"I didn't realise there were rules."

"Of course there are rules. Look, they are leg warmers."

"Well, can I wear them that way tomorrow? I wore a tank top today, I thought it was summer and no one ever taught me how to read a calendar." Maddison felt bad for Brit, not only was Berry making her dress like her but when Brit doesn't do it the way she wants she goes in on her for it.

"Fine. Fine. And when people ask you who gave you the inspiration for your new accessory, you're gonna say, 'I'm just copying....'"

"I'm just copying Rachel Berry."

"Fantastic." Rachel then turned on her heal and walked away while Maddison rolled her eyes. 

The pair continued walking down the corridor in silence until Brittany spoke up 

"What did you want to talk about?"


"Earlier you asked if we could chat." 

"Oh, nothing much just wanted to check how things are."

"There so good, even though I have to dress like Rachel I got some money, ummm and Hazel and me went to breadstix last night and then we spent the night at my house it was so fun."

"How are things with you and Artie?"

"I still love Artie and he's a good boyfriend but I also love Hazle and I don't know what to do."

"Does Hazel know how you feel?"


"Maybe you two should sit down and talk, I know your with Artie but you should at least tell Hazel that you love her."

"But what if she gets mad that I'm still with Artie even though I tell her I love her too?"

"She won't Britt, I promise."

"Thanks Maddison."

"For what?"

"Giving me good advice."

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