Chapter 14 - Season 2.14

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Since finding out Sam and Santana were dating Maddison has been avoiding the other girl like the plague. Though today never got the memo and the two girls kept bumping into each other, after their fourth encounter of the day Santana decided to bite the bullet and pull Maddison aside. 

"Okay what the hell is wrong with you?"

"What the hell is wrong with me? What the hell is wrong with you? Why did you drag me in here Santana?"

"Because you would still be avoiding me if I didn't. Now, are you going to tell me what is wrong?"

"Seriously? I thought it was obvious but I'll spell it out for you. You started dating Sam and you never told me!"

"You said you would support me, Sam's a replacement for Puck so why are you so mad?"

"You never told me about it Santana! I found out after overhearing Sam and Quinn talk. I said I would support you because I know how much you don't want people finding out about us but you never told me San." After Maddison was done speaking the room was quiet for a few moments, until Maddison spoke again 

"Look, I gotta go I promised Hazel I would meet her before glee practice." And with that the brunette left, leaving the latina in the room alone. 

Santana knew she fucked up by not telling Maddison about Sam right away but she didn't think she would be this mad, sure she expected some degree of anger but not this much. Sam was only a replacement for Puck, what Maddison had said to the her a few weeks ago about looking desperate fighting for Puck stuck and seeing as Quinn and Sam were going downhill anyways so being with Sam is the best option. She just didn't think Maddison would be so pissed. 

- Later that day - 

Maddison was sat in the library reading a book when a certain ginger girl plopped in the seat next to her. 



"So, I was thinking you, me, some shitty movies and all the junk food we can eat?"

"I'm not saying no but what's the occasion?" Maddison asked, she was pretty sure she knew the answer but she asked anyways 

"Nothin' special I just think you could use it."

"And what do you mean by that?"

"Don't play dumb Maddie, since you found out about Santana and Sam you've been all moppy and stuff."



"Yeah, yours or mine?"

"Yours obviously." Hazel with a smile which Maddison reciprocated. 

 - The following day - 

News of Rachel's party had gotten out making it the most talked about subject amongst the glee club. Maddison and Hazel were no exception, the pair were at Hazel's locker discussing just that when the ginger girl's phone started to ring, so Hazel answered and put it on speaker so Maddison could hear as well 

"Did you hear?"

"Yeah, Puck just told us." Hazel replied back to Brittany 

"Yeah, Mercedes just told me." Artie informed the group, before there was a silence. Not long after Mercedes joined the call herself

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